..that that boy was up here in front of me." There was a pop and John appered on the floor in front of her.
"You!" She exclaimed, knowing John. "You where spying on me you perv!"
"Thats my rock!" John yelled. "Give it back!"
"I don't think so John," Sarah said, jumping back to avoid John's lunge for the rock. She tripped over her feet, unused to her new body, and fell backwards. Unfortionatly for John, she had the forsight to make a wish as she fell. "I wish that John would stand in that one spot until I tell him he can go!" she yelled. John stood up and then stood in place, as per the wish.
"Give em that back!" John said angerly. "It's mine!"
"I don't think so John." She laughed. I wish you would tell me all about this stone." John immediately began to tell Sarah all about the stone, unable to stop himself. Soon he stopped. "So," Sarah said evily, walking around him. "This stone will grant wishes but not reverse them." She looked down at her huge breasts. "I'll figure out how to revese this later, but first..." she looked up at John. "I'm going to punish you for playing peeping tom!"
"Uh-oh". Said John, looking nervous. "I didn't mean to spy on you."
"Too late for that John." Sarah said, "Its too late for that." She made a wish, but it was to quiet for John to hear.
"What was that?" John asked nervously.
"You'll soon see." Was her reply. "Now turn around and face that wall." John complied, realizing that he was under her control. Next, Sarah wished that a full lenght mirror would appear on the wall.
"What are you going to do to me?" John asked.
"Quiet." Sarah said. She muttered another wish. "Now John," She said, grinning evilly. "Watch this!" John's t-shirt and jeans suddenly slid together at the waist. John gaped downward as the legs of his parts connected together into one big leg. Then, the fabric became softer, smoother and became a darker blue. His white t-shirt also bagan to change. The color matched the blue of the "pant?" and the sleeves retracted into the shirt.
"Oh no." John said, realising what was happening. The combined clothes began to take on more detailed aspects. First, a long slit began to grow up to about mid-high on John. Sarah watched John's obviuos discomfert and horror as the butt of the pants grew out and loose while the leg area of the skirt (as it was apparent now) of the dress grew closer, pressing against his legs. John gasped as the waist of the dress narrowed in, stretching the fabric almost to the breaking. Then, the bosom of the dress grew larger, to a good 44 inches clear around. Then, the shifting stopped.
"This is sick!" John said, sounding disgusted. "You like seeing guys in womens clothes. Sarah just chuckled.
"You have no idea." She said, making preparations for her next change...
Sarah totures John
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