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16. Talk about it

15. What happened

14. Learning more

13. Getting used to it

12. Or not

11. Smarter Than She Looks...

10. Waking up

9. Not fast enough

8. Poor Choice Of Words...

7. Sarah Gets The Rock...

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2016-06-15 02:39:47

808 hits, 42 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Wow", Sarah said as John put the iPad down, "that sure was something".
She could see once again that John was feeling aroused and after reading what she had just read she was starting to feel it too.
The two girls just sat in silence for a moment before Sarah sighed and said, "alright, let's just get it out of the way. I know what you're thinking and that girl who wrote that wasn't me, ok?" John looked down, feeling his face redden with embarrasment as Sarah continued,
"but", and his face lit up again, "you're also not the same guy I couldn't stand and I have to admit I've always loved how I look. And since it looks like we're stuck this way I don't see why we can't, you know..." She trailed off and now she was the one looking down as she made a circle with her right foot. John leaned in and asked what she meant but before he could finish she started to remove her outfit. It came off pretty easily since it was made for a doll and soon she was nude. John looked down at the tiny woman in all her nude glory and began to feel even more aroused than before. Then when he realized that he looked exactly like that the arousal grew even further until he thought he could burst.
Sarah saw this and chided him, "Calm down there mini me, or maybe I should call you mega me considering the circumstances. You're not a guy anymore, you can't get away with being the only one who gets off. You're going to to work for this."
John just nodded and Sarah continued,
"Now bring me to the bed and get undressed"
John wasted no time in doing this and soon the two women of varying sizes were lying naked on the bed. John was on his back while Sarah stood on his flat stomach and took in her surroundings.
"Whew!" she whistled, "You sure are big. Now, where to start..." She got down on her hands and knees and slowly crawled down to his crotch, making sure her breasts dragged on his exposed skin. The feeling drove both of them crazy and she could feel the heat coming from the slit ahead growing as she approached. When she was only inches away she could smell the arousal and see that he was dripping with anticipation. This fed her lust and she lowered her face and began to lick the spot she knew would do it for both of them. She felt a quake and suddenly John let out a very high pitched shriek and a large amount of cum came gushing out, luckily not before she got her face out of the way. When she was done she stood up and walked back toward her giant lover's breasts and sitting on the right one she spread her legs and said,
"Now, do you remember what I just did? You do the the same thing to me".

John reached over and with her ass in the palm of one hand and his other holding her legs apart he brought her to his face and began licking. It took him a little more time since he had less experience and his target was smaller but when he found the right spot Sarah let out the same shriek and a small puddle leaked onto his hand. He wiped it off on the bed and lowered her to his chest where the two small women lay panting for a moment.

"Wow", John managed between breaths, "That was awesome!"
Sarah nuzzled against one his breasts and just smiled. It really did feel great, better than she was use to in fact.

Just then a shadow fell over both of them and a voice familiar to both of them, only deeper than they were used to said,

"I'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves. It's my turn now."

As Karyn, who had been watching the whole thing having entered the room almost right when they started climbed into bed with them completely naked.

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