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13. Getting used to it

12. Or not

11. Smarter Than She Looks...

10. Waking up

9. Not fast enough

8. Poor Choice Of Words...

7. Sarah Gets The Rock...

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Not so bad

on 2016-05-31 02:57:25

1871 hits, 87 views, 2 upvotes.

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John looked around the room expected to see smaller furniture but was surprised that it was all the same size as it had always been, which was now huge to him. He walked over to what he recognized as his favorite chair from home now in Sarah's room, in fact all the furniture looked to be his which made sense since all Sarah's furniture was probably in her dollhouse.
He climbed up into it and sat with his back flat against the chair's back, his feet just barely coming up to the end of the cushion.
He was amazed by how tiny his feet looked, not because they were shrunken but because they were a girl's feet.
Noticing this also reminded him that was he know Sarah's twin. From now on he would not only be half this normal height but every time he looked in the mirror he would see the face of a girl he had always considered a pretty big bitch. At the same time, he realized, he'd also be able to see everything else on Sarah and bitch or not, he was still a guy (or rather, he was) and he always considered Sarah very hot. And now all that belonged to him, even if it was significantly smaller.
He pulled the front of his shirt up and peeked in, seeing what to him were still pretty huge breasts. They still looked and felt like double D's to him but he knew that in comparison to bigger women they were probably closer to B's or C's. He wasn't really sure how the math worked with breast size and shrinking and to be honest he didn't really care, they were plenty for his equally shrunken and dainty hands, which he brought up to one and lifted it, it was easily more than a handful and just the touch sent a shock through his body. He carefully reached into his shirt and gently tweaked a nipple. The wave of pleasure was amazing but controllable. He knew it wouldn't take much to get off like this but now wasn't the time. He pulled his hands out of his shirt and stood up to see the table next to the chair. Sitting on it was an iPad mini (he found this amusing) that he was able to unlock with his fingerprint.
After taking a moment to get used to the unwieldy device he went into the contacts and saw that Karyn was still there. He thought of starting a FaceTime chat but decided against it in case they weren't friends in this new world so he just sent here a simple "What's up?" text.

He waited a few seconds until he saw the three dots saying she was typing a reply and soon a message came up from her,

"Not much. We still on for tonight?"

Having no clue what she meant but relieved that they were still friends he replied with a simple,

"Yes. Where are we meeting again?"

After a longer than expected pause without the dots coming up he got a FaceTime call from Karyn. When he answered it he Saw Karyn's face looking back at him, a bit annoyed.

"Seriously?" she said, "I know you look like her but you're just as much as an airhead as she is". He was little worried she was mad but when she smiled and laughed he felt better.

"Sorry" he replied, "I'm just um... having a blonde moment" and for the first time noticed just how high his voice was. He knew he'd sound like Sarah but this was like Sarah on helium. He was sure Karyn found this hilarious but if she did she wasn't showing it. Maybe she had gotten used to it. He'd need to find out how long he had been like this.

"Very funny. And this is why I keep telling you we need to dye your hair. You've always said my red hair is sexy so why not go for red? You can even go for one of those crazy cartoonish reds you said you think are so hot. Although I don't know if I'll like my boyfriend being cuter than me even if he, I mean she, is a halfling. Which reminds me..."

she went on but John was still stunned by the last thing she said. He was her boyfriend? Sure, he'd always secretly wanted that but could never work up the nerve. Somehow whatever happened to him had helped him on this front. Perhaps it really was a good idea to wish for this then. Even if he was a half sized hot chick, it seemed to have done wonders for his romantic life. As he thought about this he was knocked out of his thoughts by Karyn yelling at him again,

"Are you even listening? Really, you're lucky you're so cute. Anyway, as I was saying, I'll be there in about an hour. And try to be ready. You've been a girl long enough that the excuse of not knowing how to dress is getting old".

So John had at least some clue about how he had been like this, even if it was vague. He replied to Karyn,

"I will. I'll start now" as he got ready to hop off the chair and try to figure out what he was going to wear. Just before he did he heard Karyn sigh and say,

"Fine. I'll help, but at least have Sarah do your makeup. I can't do shit with that tiny face of yours"

The thought of wearing makeup left John speechless and before he could think of anything to say Karyn ended with,

"And tell her she can come too if she wants. I know you two have a special bond now and as much as I don't like it I need to accept her in my life if I'm going to be with you. See you later"

She ended the call and John just sat there in stunned silence for a few minutes until being snapped out of by the top of Sarah's even smaller head popping up at the cushion of the seat. Apparently all the furniture had small rope ladders for her now. She stood there watching him and before he could tell her what was happening she said,

"I heard. So it looks like you two are a thing now, huh?" she looked confused as she continued, "Well. I don't know what's going on but it seems like we're stuck together so come one, let's get you ready like Karyn said" as she climbed back down muttering something under her breath he couldn't make out.
He dropped down as well and followed her over to the vanity, something he definitely didn't bring with him that must have been hers.

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