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91. Comparing

90. Concubines

89. Nervous

88. 2 Girls

87. Comfort Woman

86. The Shots

85. Switch Serum

84. 9 Times

83. Horniness

82. Ending

81. Distrust

80. Mutation

79. The Top

78. Switching

77. Helping

76. Third Guy

75. New Set

74. A Show

73. Back Ups

72. Alternates

The Party

avatar on 2024-11-12 11:35:23

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When Ryuga went inside, Jiro followed them with his woman. Aito and Eiji brought their women closer to Kazuki. "Let's have a great party now. Are there any nice snacks in there!?" Kazuki asked the comfort women. They all nodded their heads. They had room service and could call for anything they wanted. They also all had videogames and movies in their rooms to entertain their men during visits. That made things much easier. They just holed up in a room and watched some movies while eating a lot of junk food. Aito was the oldest boy there and put on a comedy. "Laughing together is better for getting to know each other." he explained. It made sense to all the other boys there. They watched a couple of them while eating the food. At the end of the third movie, they had seemingly gotten comfortable to actually talk to the girls. Kazuki looked at Natsuki. "Uh... you look pretty." he said. He then turned over to Rei. "You look great too, of course." he said. Both of them nodded and then thanked him. It had really come out of nowhere. Kazuki could feel the blush's heat rise up on his cheeks.

Just when Kazuki though he had blown it with the awkward comment, Eiji cut in with his usually swaggering. "No one's better than my Rin-chan! She's the prettiest girl in the whole country. You can see it right here!" Rin smiled at him and thanked him for saying that. "No reason not to say the truth." he huffed, while still taking peeks at her reaction. That was pretty cute. His other comfort woman, Mai, was left out. It seemed that Eiji had developed a bit of a crush on Rin. Kazuki could appreciate being bailed out. Aito had to step up now. He gestured at his comfort woman and said "Ami-chan is also really cute." he said. Eiji just clicked his tongue and wagged a finger at him. It was clear he did not want to get upstaged in front of the girls. He did not like being upstaged in the barracks either. In this setting, there was no way that he would back down. Kazuki nearly blew it, so he was fine with letting Eiji be in the spotlight. It was where he liked to be. "Not as much as Mai-chan here. Look at her and say she's not the cutest in the room!" he challenged. Aito crossed his arms. "Of course I can. Ami."

Before things could spiral out of control, Kazuki spoke up, "We all chose our women from the group, so I think they all look great to us. Some guys like the girls with big boobs. Other guys like girls with big butts. Stuff like that." It was his idea to have a party with Aito and Eiji. Kazuki felt some responsibility to keep things under wraps. The situation did calm down a bit. Eiji crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he thought about it. "I guess, yeah. I know Ryuga and Jiro were both being total pervs about it and stuff. You can't just grope girls." he said. It was nice he recognized that. Kazuki was not sure whether to be proud of Eiji or ashamed of Ryuga and Jiro. "I'm just very happy the 3 of us got the best girls possible." Kazuki said after a brief pause. Aito looked down. "I can't do it." he said sadly. His fists were balled up like he was trying not to cry. "What can't you do!? You already picked her from the line. Ami-chan's nice and all. You got through the shakeup too, man. You got this!" Eiji tried to cheer up his squad mate. Aito shook his head. "I-I can't! I'm... gay." he cried out. That was rough.

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