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18. Holli’s morning

17. Meet Valerie

16. What is Real?

15. Meeting up

14. The Day After

13. Aftershow

12. Showtime

11. The Explanation

10. Back to the beginning

9. The shoot comes to an end.

8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Holli’s morning

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"Holli Mok, member of Peace Blossom is real to them," Val shrugged. "I told you that we can shape how people are seen. Right now though, I'd imagine we both have things to concern ourselves with. We do have a few days before this assignment is over...and there is much to do," she reminded Holli.

Holli nodded as Val stood up and left the room. She sat there for a few minutes trying to gather her thoughts. She had agreed to remain a member of Peace Blossom for a few days more, she was not sure why she had done so. Yes, she had certainly had fun last night on stage maybe that was why. At least today knowing what was going on she would be able to relax and enjoy things more.

Rehearsals had been tiring, she had never worked so hard in her life. All those different dances to learn. The thing that helped her through it was the fact that she was not doing it alone the other girls were there as well. * Eonni tried hard to make sure they knew what they were doing. No matter what Mi-Ok did the younger members of the group including Holli found it hard not to start laughing when she had fallen over. To be fair even Mi-Ok did. Once they made sure she was ok they went back to Rehearsing.

When Holli had made it back to her room her sanctuary she thought but she didn’t know why. She picked up her phone it was hers, wasn’t it? She started to search the internet. She didn’t know what for she just did. She signed into her current Facebook account for some reason she couldn’t remember any of her old passwords for any of her old accounts. Must have something to do with what Val had done she thought.

Val that was the *oegug-in’s name wasn’t it. She thought for a moment it was something else. Her full was Valerie Marie Glover but she told Holli and the rest of the band to call her Val that was right. Val had told them that she was one of these people who only used her full name for official things or her work. Holli that was strange to choose the way you use the name your parents gave you. The only difference in her name was the language she spoke it in. In English, she was Holli Mok but in her native Korean, it was Mok Holli. No matter which language she used it didn’t change who she was.

Change, as soon as the word came to her she found herself taking another look in the mirror just as she had that morning. Was this really how people saw her at the moment? It still seemed to see a different pair of eyes looking back at her. What was it people said “The eyes are the windows to the soul” or something like that, she wasn’t sure but that sounded about right.

This was part of the illusion that made her look like a member of the group to everyone she would grow used to it over the next few days then she would have her old blue eyes back. By then would she miss the brown ones looking back at her at the moment’ Maybe she wasn’t sure, maybe.

*“Yeodongsaeng Holli G-Bear wants to see us” Came the voice of Mi-Ok from the other side of the door.

“One moment,” Holli said moving away from the mirror as she headed to see Mi-Ok standing there waiting for her.

“Do you know what is happening Unnie?” Holli asked.

“No, I don’t, He called a few minutes ago and said he was coming here to meet us,” Mi-Ok replied as the two women walked towards the room where G-Bear was waiting for them.

Eonni- Older sister
Oegug-in –Foreigner
Yeodongsaeng - Younger sister

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