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7. Zoe Tries Out Lipstick

6. Meanwhile

5. Reversed Gender Role World

4. Change the world

3. the magic pencil.

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Pencil - Reversed Gender Role World: Zoe Tries Out Lipstick

avatar on 2018-06-13 10:09:54

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Meanwhile, as Mikey was trying on Zoe's underwear in the bathroom, getting a thrill from it, Zoe herself was in her bedroom. Normally, girls didn't wear make-up. That was something boys did. And although some Goth girls had been known to have worn black make-up, Zoe wasn't one of them. Until today. She had borrowed some of Trevor Blake's black lipstick, telling him she needed it for something else, but was instead going to try it out on herself. She got a little bit of a thrill, just thinking about doing it. Just imagine what her parents would think if they ever found out. They'd go insane. Her father would nag about how only guys wear make-up, not girls. Her mother would give her a stern lecture about how enough was enough, that this Goth phase was over ... as if that would make it true. Zoe did whatever she wanted. Her parents weren't going to dictate anything to her.

So with that, Zoe touched the tube of black lipstick to her lips, then coated them as best she could, not being used to applying lipstick. It was a little sloppy, but it felt so good. It was such a turn on.


As all of that was happening, in Jon's bedroom, Karyn grabbed one of the magical objects. But was it the magic pencil, or the wishing stone?

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