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11. The Explanation

10. Back to the beginning

9. The shoot comes to an end.

8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: The Explanation

avatar on 2024-10-12 10:30:26

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“Don’t worry Chaeyoung no one will interrupt us this time. Everyone gives the group some time to themselves before the concert so that they can prepare for it. Usually a few hours at least.” Gi told the angry-looking Holly.

“Can tell me what is going on? Why has no one noticed that I am not part of the group?” Holly asked trying to not lose her temper.

“I gave you what you wanted. You wanted to be a member of Peace Blossom and now you are Chaeyoung.”. Gi told her.

“I never said that.” Holly Said

“You told everyone including me that you were one of them more than once. So now you are. You are now Holly Mok member of the Korean girl group Peace Blossom. Well at least for this afternoon anyway.” Gi went on to explain

“What? That is not true I am Holly Muk member of the Korean girl group Peace Blossom.” Holly replied.

“If you let me finish Chaeyoung I will explain,” Gi said.

Holly not wanting to open her mouth as she was unsure of what she would say next simply nodded in reply.

“Good, good. My family or should that be your family at the moment, can shape how people are seen or how they see themselves but only if they agree to it.” Gi said.

“I never agreed to this,” Holly said pointing down to what she was wearing.

“Throughout the day you agreed with the others that you were one of them when they told you were didn’t you?” Gi asked Holly

“I thought they were joking when they said that,” Holly told her.

“Joking oh I see so you didn’t mean it when you joined them to get your make-up done like a member of the group when you took part in the photo shoot,” Gi asked her.

“I didn’t know what else to do,” Holly said looking rather despondent

“Unfortunately, it’s a little late to stop things once they have started,” Gi told her.

“If you can do this to me surely you can change me back?” Holly asked Gi.

“Oh yes if it is done in time. For the rest of today, you are now Holly Mok member of the Korean girl group Peace Blossom, not a British TV presenter.” Gi answered her.

“So, this is just for today. I can live with that. The only problem is that I can’t sing so what do I do about tonight's concert?” Holly asked.

“First of all, Chaeyoung to undo we must do it quickly after the day is over. Secondly, we can fix things for tonight's concert easily. I just need you to say what is written on this piece of paper.” Gi told Holly.

“Ok, I will do anything that brings this to an end as fast as possible,” Holly told her taking the piece of paper from Gi.

“Now remember Chaeyoung everyone thinks that you belong here and that I am the foreigner. So, you must act that way until this is over.” Gi told her.

“I understand. I am now a member of the Korean girl group Peace Blossom, and you are the British interviewer. I will do anything, act any way that I need to, to sort things.” Holly Replied

“That’s great Chaeyoung now read the words on the piece of paper, and you won’t need to worry about tonight's concert,” Gi told her.

Holly picked the piece of paper from the table nervously and read aloud the words she saw there. “One blonde to another. One country to another “

“Once more please,” Gi told her.

Holly looked her in the eyes and repeated the statement. However, it sounded different for some reason “하나 금발 에게또 다른. 하나 국가 에게 또 다른”

“Good now you are ready for tonight's concert,” Gi told Holly

“How? All I did was read some words from a piece of paper. I don’t see how I am ready for tonight.” Holly said.

“It's time to get ready. You don't want to keep your fans waiting, do you, Holly?” Sook-Joo asked Holly.

Holly looked open mouth at the young Korean woman in front of her as there was no sign of the accent she had got so used to hearing from Sook-Joo over the last few days. Not knowing what else to say she turned and said, “I will be there in a moment.”

“Okay but don’t be late. You know G-Bear gets if you are late.”?” Sook-Joo said as she went to gather her other bandmates together.

Holly turned to Gi “What happened?” She asked.

“Oh, not much. You now can speak Korean like a native.” I told her.

“No, I can’t. I don’t know how to speak Korean.” Holly told Gi.

“Chaeyoung after everything that has happened you still doubt me when I tell you something. Not only can you speak Korean you are speaking it to me now.” Gi replied.

“No, we are speaking English just now,” Holly said adamantly.

“I thought you might say that. Can you write your name down for me?” Gi asked her.

To which Holly took a separate piece of paper and wrote. 홀리. “No that’s not right. I meant to write down this.” She said as she wrote the same down.

“When you read the words from the paper you gained the ability to speak Korean, as you are now part of the group instead of me you now have my singing voice” Gi informed her as she rose to head towards the door.

“I Don’t know the words to the songs.” Holly said, trying desperately to get Gi to reverse whatever it was that she had done.

“You do now. I will see you after the show have fun Chaeyoung,” Gi said with a smile on her face as she knocked on the door and the security detail opened it for her.

“Ms. Glover we were about to come for you.
글로버 씨 우리 ~이었다 ~에 대한 에게 오다 ~을 위한 너.
The girls need to get ready for the concert, you can see them afterward.
그만큼 소녀들 필요 에게 얻다 준비가 된 ~을 위한 그만큼 콘서트, 너 ~할 수 있다 보다 그들을 나중에.”The man at the door told her.

It took Holly a second to realise that they must have been speaking in English that thanks to whatever Gi had done was a language that she now knew only a few words of much like her bandmates. Bandmates something that she never thought she would ever have Gi seemed to nod at whatever the man said to her as she then turned and waved at Holly who was still sitting down unsure of what she should do next.

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