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3. A new customer

2. The Busty Brew

1. The Drafting Board

A new customer

on 2024-10-02 11:33:53

159 hits, 27 views, 2 upvotes.

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A new customer entered the place. They were greeted with the usual bar setting. What was rather shocking to them is the sight of the waitresses. They all had huge breasts that they don't seem to have issues carrying. They were wearing uniforms in which some of them had an underboob-wearing top or no top at all. But the real deal is how they were distributing drinks. They put the glasses in front of the customers, then they aimed their breast over them. They then pinch their nipple, where a stream of beer drop down from it. That's the way they do things here apparently. The waitresses are apparently human kegs as well.

Now would be the time to details the protagonist. Or just continue the story.

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