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9. I,m pregnant !!!

8. But Jon is what Sarah always w

7. ...But Sarah is faster...

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

I,m pregnant !!!

on 2003-06-15 17:40:31
Episode last modified by Brayn on 2018-02-16 07:09:18

3084 hits, 173 views, 0 upvotes.

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Sarah was floored by the power of the sudden orgasm that overwhelmed her. When
she regained consciousness she swooned as she looked around the room for Jon.

She was thoroughly pissed off when she realized her Jon was nowhere to be found.

A few weeks later, her mother walked in on her in the bathroom as she was
relieving herself of everything in her stomach and gasped. When her mother regained control of herself, she asked "Who's is it?"
Sarah promptly broke into tears as she said "I think it's Jon."
Her mother promptly asked "Your pregnant with a child because of sex with the
missing boy?"
Sarah sadly sighed as she corrected "The baby I'm carrying is Jon or the missing
boy if you want to call him that."
She then partially explained to her mother that she received a wishing power
from her love Jon and that she accidentally wished Jon inside her.
She then explained how she wished Jon inside of her and how she was now pregnant
with Jon as a baby growing inside her and no longer her only true love.
Sarah sadly wondered, as she watched her stunned mother, how her mother was going
to take it.

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