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15. Sarah returns.

14. Sarah's Ex...

13. Karyn speaks.

12. Sarah's wish and Jon can talk!

11. The next morning.

10. Sarah gets home.

9. Teasing...

8. Into Sarah's bed

7. ...But Sarah is faster...

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

On to Sarah's plans for the day.

on 2005-02-07 00:04:02

2324 hits, 120 views, 4 upvotes.

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After a while, the two transformed people-turned-possessions saw their new owner walk, totally in the nude, back into the room, with nothing but a towel in her hair.

Closing the door to her room, she turned to her new sentient possessions, showing Jon her body in all its naked glory. Something in Jon was attracted to her body, but the rest of him refused to be turned on, which made sense since he had nothing to be turned on with. Karyn simply wasn't looking forward to holding those breasts up again.

"Well, Jon. I'll bet you're wondering what I plan on doing with you?"

'Well, yeah. I was curious...'

She smiled a knowing smile that Jon wasn't sure he liked, though he figured that there wasn't a whole lot she could do that would be worse than sitting in her room alone all day. "Well, I wanted you to be there when I made my wish, so that you would know what was going to happen."

If he'd had the ability to do so, Jon would have blinked, 'Okay. I guess that's nice of you. Go ahead, I'm listening.'

"Alright... First, Jon, I wish that your name would now be Jenny and that you will answer only to that name. Second, I wish that your 'voice' was female, so that I don't feel so weird hearing you talk. And now the kicker.

"I wish that my teddy bear, Jenny, would, whenever I said the three words 'Jenny, change now', change into whatever it was I wanted her to change into, no matter what that may be, and that when I say 'Jenny, change back' that she will change back into her current teddy bear form. I also wish that, should that thing I changed her into be a piece of clothing or accessory, that she would appear in the appropriate place when I change her, whether I change her into something for myself or for someone else. I also wish that, no matter what form she takes, that she will always have use of her senses of touch, sight, and hearing." Sarah leaned down to look Jon, now Jenny, in the eyes, "I wish that I and everyone else, including yourself, would refer to you only in the feminine because you are now effectively female, because as far as I'm concerned all of my possessions are female unless the entire reason for my having them is to be male-ish."

She smiled down at Jon as she stood up to her full height, almost towering over Jon and Karyn.

'Wow, that's a mouthful.' Other than that, Jenny really couldn't think of anything else to say, or think.

'Yeah. That's more-or-less what she did to me last night.'

'Oh. Really?'

Sarah smiled down at her new toy, "What do you say we give it a try, huh?" Picking up Karyn, she put her on over her breasts, effectively restricting them but not much else.

'Dammit! Tell her to make me into something a little sturdier!'

'Sarah, can you-'

"Jenny, change now." And suddenly Jenny could feel the changes...

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