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29. Jon has an awkward morning

28. Jon tries it out to a stunning

27. Jon finds Mom's present

26. Mom Interprets: Mom asks about

25. Mom Interprets: Jon gets a cho

24. Jon gets his revenge and tries

23. Sarah comforts Jon

22. Jon enjoys himself a little to

21. Jon plays chicken

20. Mom tries to help out

19. Jon gets asked to play

18. Getting some help with the sun

17. It was an...

16. Day by the Pool

15. Spending the day with Sarah

14. Jon's a Tomboy

13. Jon wants to change his room

12. The Next Morning

11. Talking to mom

10. The date

Mom Interprets: An awkward morning

on 2024-08-25 21:31:16

747 hits, 117 views, 4 upvotes.

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Jon groaned as he rolled over to get away from the sun light peaking through his window. That groan quickly shifted into a moan as he felt something very large press deeper inside of him. His eyes flew open as his body froze. He glanced down, and he could have sworn he could see the outline of the massive dildo still inside of him pressing outward. As he started to reach back and remove the offending thing (ignoring the sensation of it pressing against him and the pool of cum on his stomach), a knock on his door caused him to freeze.

"Jon? Are you awake?" His mother's voice called out to him through the door.

"Y-yes," he said, his voice cracking. "Give me a minute." He realized his had tossed his shirt aside the night before, leaving his bare stomach to soak up the cum. He threw it on and barely shifted the covers over himself as his mother poked her head through the door.

"I wanted to check up on you," she said, stepping into the room and closing it behind her. Probably so the others didn't wake up. "You had a rough day yesterday." She walked over to the bed, and he had to shuffle a bit to give her room to sit. Which meant sitting in the cum, and pushing the dildo deeper into him as he sat up.

Jon bit his lip and nodded, blushing both at the thought of what happened to him yesterday and what was happening to him right now. "I'm fine. You-you didn't need to check up on me."

"Oh sweetie," his mom smiled at him. She reached over and ran a hand over his head. He blushed even more, and looked away from her. They sat there for a few excoriatingly long moments before she spoke again. "I'll let you get dressed and up, but I thought maybe we could go get a mani-pedi today. There are some things I wanted to talk with you about anyway."

"Sure," Jon nodded. He'd agree to just about anything to get her out of there sooner.

"Great," she smiled at him before standing up and leaving his room. Once his door was closed again, he let out a long sigh of relief - which only made the massive dildo instead of him press harder. He had barely been holding it back before his mother came in and with her gone, he had to bite down on his lower lip just to stop moaning.

His swollen dick spurted again, coating his night shirt in cum. As he let out haggard breaths, he reached back, slowly pulling the dildo out. He had to bit his lip again at the sensation that started to grow again. He went slowly, worried that he could hurt himself taking it out, or worse, slip and push it in further. What was only a few moments felt like an hour before he finally removed the massive thing. He stared at the filth covered dildo in wonder. He slept with that thing, in him, and fucked himself. Why...why did he do that?

Not sure what else to do, or how to care of it, he reached over to his nightstand. His mother hadn't seen the stone, or if she hand, ignored it. This was one safe wish he knew to make. "I wish I know how to clean this thing."

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