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10. Karyn gives an encouraging spa

9. Uniform mix-up: Bullied by gir

8. Uniform mix-up: His new locker

7. Uniform mix-up: New timetable

6. Uniform mix-up: Meeting Sarah

5. Uniform mix-up: Karyn walks Jo

4. Karyn gets the rock

3. Uniform mix-up

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Uniform mix-up: Karyn gives an encouraging spank

on 2024-08-19 16:33:58

593 hits, 108 views, 5 upvotes.


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Karyn simply giggled in response, her eyes gently twinkling. “Jon, you might not have to go full-on ‘girly-girl,’ if you don't want but you’ll certainly need to pick up a few tricks if you want to survive. You’ve already got the uniform down—now just own it.”

Jon blushed, still not entirely convinced. “I guess I can try,” he mumbled, as his fingers nervously traced the hem of his skirt.

Karyn’s smile turned mischievous as she suddenly gave him a light, playful smack on the rear. “That’s the spirit! she quipped with a grin. “Now, off you go, Miss Madison. Time to skip along to your cookery class. Can’t keep all the other girls waiting, can you?”

Jon’s eyes widened in surprise at the sudden swat, and to his surprise, he found himself not entirely disliking it. There was something oddly comforting in Karyn’s physicality towards him, something that made his vulnerability feel just a little more manageable.

“Karyn!” he exclaimed, his face turning a bright shade of red.

Karyn just laughed, clearly enjoying his reaction. “Hey, if you’re going to fit in, you’ve got to get used to a little teasing. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be whipping up soufflés before you know it!”

Jon simply rolled his eyes in response, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, almost like a mardy teenage girl who couldn’t help but secretly enjoy the attention.

Karyn winked at him, her grin widening. “You know I’ve got your back, Jon. Now go be the best cookery student you can be. Meanwhile, I’m off to do woodshop with the boys. We’ll see who gets their hands dirtier by the end of the day.”

Jon nodded, feeling a strange mix of nervousness and a hint of excitement as he turned to head to his first class. The clicking of his shoes echoed in his ears, while the thought of the playful smack brought a small smile to his face.

Behind him, Karyn watched him go, finding herself admiring his legs and the soft swish of his skirt as he went.

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