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7. Uniform mix-up: New timetable

6. Uniform mix-up: Meeting Sarah

5. Uniform mix-up: Karyn walks Jo

4. Karyn gets the rock

3. Uniform mix-up

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

New timetable and ID

on 2024-08-19 06:40:51

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When they reached the office, he hoped that at least his classes would provide some sense of normalcy, but he was about to be disappointed again.

Mrs. Johnson, the school secretary, was busy at her desk when they entered. Without even looking up, she reached under her desk and, in one swift motion, raised a small camera. Before Jon could react, she snapped a quick picture of him.

“What—” Jon started, but Mrs. Johnson cut him off with a practiced efficiency.

“Hold on just a moment,” she said, not even bothering to explain as she clicked a few buttons on her computer. Jon stood there, confused and a little stunned, as the printer behind Mrs. Johnson whirred to life.

Within seconds, she pulled a freshly printed ID card from the printer tray. “Here you go, Miss Madison,” she said, handing it to Jon with a firm, no-nonsense expression.

Jon stared at the card in disbelief. The picture she had just taken of him, dressed in the girls' uniform and looking bewildered, stared back at him from the ID. But what really caught his eye was the name printed below: "Miss Madison."

His heart sank as the reality of the situation hit him. He couldn’t believe it—Mrs. Johnson had just rebranded him with a new identity, without even asking. He could feel the weight of Karyn’s gaze on him, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up.

Mrs. Johnson finally looked at him directly, her tone brisk and businesslike. “Here’s your revised timetable, Jon,” she said, handing him a sheet of paper. “Due to the mix-up with the uniforms, the administration has decided to adjust your classes accordingly.”

Jon stared at the timetable, his stomach sinking. All his usual classes were replaced with those traditionally attended by the girls—Home Economics instead of Woodshop, Dance instead of PE, and even an advanced Fashion Design elective that he’d never signed up for.

“This can’t be right,” Jon stammered, his voice tinged with panic. “I’m supposed to be in—”

But Mrs. Johnson didn’t let him finish. “This is the administration’s decision, Miss Madison,” she said, emphasizing the name as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “If you have any concerns, you can take it up with the principal, but until then, you need to follow your new schedule.”

Jon felt like the ground was crumbling beneath him. He looked over at Karyn, who was peering at his new ID and schedule with wide eyes, clearly trying not to laugh.

Before Jon could respond, Mrs. Johnson added, “You’d better head to your locker to pick up your materials. You don’t want to be late for your first class.”

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