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7. Rei tries to calm herself

6. Turning Japanese

5. Part 2

4. Prelude to a Family Swap

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Barb's Family Swap: Home Sweet New Home

on 2024-08-14 01:09:00

407 hits, 76 views, 4 upvotes.

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Rei stared at the ceiling for a moment. Of everything she ever wished why was it granted this time? And why like this?

"Wait, I think I've heard of a Meshida family before." Rei said aloud, still in Japanese. She racked her brain for any relevant information. "Maybe an upperclassman?"

Despite Rei's struggles she wasn't coming up with anything more at the moment. She sighed, admonishing herself for thinking things could be easy given the circumstances.

"So I have a new family? I wonder what they're like. What about my old family though? Do my parents just not have a daughter now?" Rei had far more questions than answers.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. If she let herself get bogged down by all the unknowns she'd crack. For now she needed a sense of who she was now.

"If I'm in this bedroom does that mean I'm at the Meshida house? I guess if I'm part of the family that makes sense."

Rei looked over some of the books to see a few were technical manuals. It seemed she still had some of the same hobbies, or at the very least interests.

"I wonder if I'm the only one who changed?" She wondered as she looked over a diagram of the components within a television.

Her wish had been vague after all, and she hadn't explicitly said anything about herself changing. If anyone else did change would she even be able to tell?

"Rei? Is that you?" Rei heard a voice call from outside her room. Whoever was out there was speaking fluent Japanese.

"Y-yeah, just looking over s-some books!" Startled by the person Rei couldn't stop herself from stuttering in a panic.

"Is everything alright in there?" The person on the other side turned the knob.

The door opened to reveal...

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