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2. Disco Galaxy

1. The Drafting Board

Disco Galaxy

on 2024-08-08 14:09:25

222 hits, 36 views, 3 upvotes.

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Disco Galaxy. A loud, campy, neon-colored sci-fi videogame defined by its groovy soundtrack and a plot best described as “explosions, followed by more explosions.” It’s not the most… Artful thing ever made, but it’s genuinely fun when you get past all the everything.

Sex. Violence. Guns. Alien babes with tits bigger than your screen. More guns. Bigger guns. So many guns you start wondering if the writer has a problem.

And it’s all in space.

Best part is the game’s only a little bit cursed. Yeah, sure, you get pulled in and shoved into a sexy alien body with weird instincts and biology you don't understand, with no tutorial to explain what the fuck is happening, but it’s okay.

Because remember. You get to be hot. And play with guns. In space.

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