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14. More School

13. School Day

12. Jon plays around

11. John Protects His Interests

10. Sa'Raia defines her limits

9. Jon Uncorks the Bottle

8. A magical slave

7. Letting go

6. Jon look's too much

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

More School

on 2002-10-15 01:10:05

2497 hits, 135 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon finally got to fourth hour, it was time for him to check up on Biff. Biff walked in a little late to the locker room and his face looked as white as a ghost. Jon smirked as he noticed that Biff got dressed inside the toilet stall. Jon headed to the Gym where they were playing dodgeball. Jon made sure they were on the opposite team, so he could plaster Biff a few times. But he was taking most of the plastering, all the real Jocks were on the other team, and his team was getting killed. Jon decided to even it up a bit so he made all the people on the other team get boners, at least all but Biff. They all slowed down a bit and tried to adjust their tight gym shorts. Jon's team soon started winning as the others were all afraid to move around too much and show off their stiff packages. After class in the locker room Jon heard alot of whispers amongst the people who were on the other team. Everyone started their showers except Biff, who for good reason, was trying to get out of it. Biff waited till he thought everyone was done, and so did Jon. As soon as biff went in and stripped, and Jon quietly followed. Jon watched for awhile from the corner then said, "Well, I guess we know who the dickless wonder really is." He turned and saw Jon and said, "YOU! You did this, didnt you? Somehow, you did this, I know it." Jon nodded and said, "Yep, that will teach you not to be such an asshole." Biff said, "Change me back now, or I'll beat your ass!." Jon simply shook his head and said, "Oh, I doubt that." Jon willed for Biff's arms to turn into a pair of giant dicks. Biff was about to take a swing at Jon when he suddenly lost strength in his arms, he looked at them and cried as they slowly turned into limp cocks hanging at his side. He said through tears, "Oh, please dont do this to me, I'll do anything!" Jon grinned and said, "Okay, Biff, I'll give you a chance to get out of it, I'll change you back this time, but once a week for the rest of your life you'll have to suck a guy off or you'll grow 2 pairs of tits the size of basketballs on your chest, your arms and legs will turn into giant cocks, and every orafice in your body except your nose will become a pussy." Biff said, still crying, "PLEASE NO! I'm not gay!" Jon smirked and said, "You'll learn how soon enough." Jon left the shower and got dressed quickly, it was lunch time in 5 minutes. As soon as he was dismissed, he walked to his locker and put his stuff away. Karyn showed up a few seconds later and said, "I'm getting a ride to lunch today, seeya Jon." Jon nodded and waved to her as he headed to the cafeteria. The line was a little long so he made it so most of the people in front of him had to piss really bad. The line cleared up quickly and he got his lunch after only a minute in line. He headed outside to where his friends ate. David said, "Hey Jon, where's your girlfriend?" Jon smirked and said, "She got a ride to lunch." James said, "Hey Jon, you usually say Karyn's not your girlfriend, whats up?" Jon said, "Well guys, I think I'm gonna ask her out, either 6th hour, or maybe tomorrow morning." David said, "Way to go Jon, she's totally hot, I cant believe you didn't ask her sooner." Jon said, "I dont know, she's turned alot of guys down." James laughed and said, "Duh, everyone knows she's got the hots for you." Jon said, a bit quieter, "You think so." Both of his friends nodded in agreeance. Jon smiled. He then thought of helping his buddies out. He had to find a way to cover it up, so he said, "Hey guys, check it out, I've got these pills that are supposed to make your dick bigger." He carefully poured some mints into his hand, hiding the bottle from his friends. James said, "Yeah right Jon, only suckers fall for that." Jon shook his head and said, "Naw man, these are the real thing." David laughed and said, "I dont believe they will work, but it's worth a shot, we're not exactly porn stars guys." That was an understatement. James nodded and said, "Why not." Jon handed them each a mint, and as he ate his he wished for whoever ate one of these three mints to grow a foot long cock over 1 minute. His friends ate their mints and David said, "I think those were just mints Jon." James said, "Yeah, they tasted... what the", he looked down and saw a bulge in his pants, it was growing larger. David noticed his at the same time and said, "Wow, that's awesome, you got any more?" Jon said, "No, it probably wouldnt be a good idea to take more anyway." James nodded in agreement as his growth finally slowed, their dicks were a foot long all right, and they werent even erect! Jon ate his school food and looked over at a group of cheerleaders, he grinned and said, "But! That's not all guys, I also got this liquid that's supposed to make chicks tits grow." James was about to say, "No wa..." but then he remembered his huge unit, and continued, "Lets try it!" Jon nodded and pretended to drip some liquid from a dropper into his two cookies that came with lunch. He walked over to the cheerleaders and said, I dont want my cookies, any of you girls want em? Jennifer and Camy both took one, and Jon watched as they ate them. He walked back toward his friends and wished for the two girls tits to grow to Lara Croft proportions. His friends stared in awe and the two girls quickly noticed and tried to cover up as they ran toward the bathroom. Jon grinned and said, "Fun Huh."

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