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12. Wait, this isn't my class.

11. Stepping into school

10. Karen's first day

9. Frumpier. Nerdier

8. The Ultimatum

7. The Next Day

6. Our New Lives...

5. Homely Beginnings.

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Brace Face: A Change of Schedule

avatar on 2017-02-04 23:18:03

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Karen continued throughout her day, which was similarly uneventful. It seemed that most everyone didn't really change, and outside of the subtle air of awkwardness that seemed to loom around her, nothing major was different after Ms. Teage's class. Her other teachers graciously called her Karen, and most of her fellow students did too. Those that seemed to have a problem with it just called her K.

It wasn't until fourth period that the next odd thing happened. She stepped into her economics elective to find... a full class. That in itself wasn't weird, but the fact that her desk was taken was.

She walked up to the sloppy looking boy in her desk. He was engrossed in his phone and paid her no attention. "Umm, excuse me..."

"Huh? uhh... yeah?" he responded coldly.

"You're in my desk."

"uhh, No I'm not... This is fourth period. You're not even in this class."

Karen fidgeted. She most definitely was in this class, but apparently not anymore. "Right sorry, my bad."

As she crossed the threshold of the door, she heard the kid mutter under his breath. "fuckin tranny."

Karen gritted her teeth, and retorted. "fucking tool!" and slammed the door as she left. She bit back her sadness by thinking of a hundred different better insults A hundred different insults she could have used. That mostly just served to make her feel embarrassed at her lame retort, but it did calm her enough to pull out her homeroom binder and check her schedule... Apparently this Karen prefers Drama to Economics.

Drama wasn't bad, and she was friends with most of the drama department, but she was never so outgoing as that in her own life. Beyond that, it always seemed like such a wasted period. What good was drama on a resume? Not that she was a yuppie, but she did wan't to go to a nice college. She considers it for a moment and acknowledges that at least it wasn't anything too awkward like a sports elective... How would the school even manage that. Shaking her blond locks, she rattles the thoughts from her mind, and continues on to her next class.

The drama department was in the more derelict part of the massive campus, and filled up half of the old chorus room. It was neither well financed, nor well regarded, but Mrs. Winthrow, the drama teacher, made it a fun place to be. She never actually knew what they did in there, but she guessed that today she would discover that first hand.

As soon as she passed through the door, a blond curly haired boy with piercing blue eyes threw up his arms. "Kaaarreeeennn. Darling." He spoke the words a little dryly, and with only a subtle smile giving them a rather comforting tone inspite of his dramatic posture. Immediately he hugged her, which she returned curtly, but happily. "I hope your day's going well! We were wondering what was taking you so long."

Sammy puts her at arms length and looks over her. "You look so good today! The ribbon's such a nice touch." He smiles and ushers her in to a group of odd balls, hippies, primadonnas, and other smiling faces.
"Maybe drama's not such a bad idea in this reality." Karen acknowledged to herself. She smiles, and lets go of the breath she'd been holding all morning. She really needed this.

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