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58. First period of the day

57. Friday

56. The Drive Back

55. The Jewels of Puck

54. Info Dump

53. Professor Black

52. Back to where we left off.

51. Earlier that evening

50. Girls Night Out, Sort of.

49. Family? Meeting

48. Every School has one.

47. Arrival

46. The Senior Field Trip

45. Waking up in the shower

44. Tipping point

43. The Day Continues

42. Wednesday continues

41. Wednesday

40. Staff meeting

39. Catching up with the boyfriend

The Switching Stone: First period of the day

avatar on 2024-05-16 12:13:02

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Lauren bumped into Mary in the hall who reminded her of the girls' night that evening. “Don’t forget now.” She said as Lauren handed her the coffee.

“I won’t. I am going home to get changed after work and I will leave my car there so I can enjoy myself tonight.” Lauren told her friend.

“Good, I remember last time that you brought your car just so you didn’t drink. I swear Lương if you do that again I will not be happy.” Came Mary’s reply

Lauren looked at her friend strangely for a moment. “Did I pronounce it right? I know you don’t use your name here because most people can’t say it. Mary answered the unasked question from her friend.

Lauren realized that must have been another change but she couldn’t check at that moment. “You did great. I am just not used to hearing it from you that’s all.” She told Mary trying to explain why she had looked so shocked.

“Great, I wasn’t sure but anyway you better turn up without your car so that you can have a drink with the rest of us tonight,” Mary said with a stern look on her face.

“I thought I was going out with a friend and not my boss,” Lauren replied with a smile on her face.

“You are I just want everyone to have fun tonight,” Mary said as the two women walked into the staff room to join the daily meeting to organize things for the day ahead.

Meanwhile, Lonna was sitting in Jake's car. They hadn’t moved that much since he had picked up Lonna. She had tried for a minute or so to up with a reason why she should stop him from kissing her. There was no way that he would want Ms Tran back as his girlfriend. She was his teacher after all and there were rules against that sort of thing. Lonna however, was now a teenager the same as he was. They shared classes she thought as Jake’s hand started to caress her leg as he moved to kiss her once more. This caught Lonna off guard and she found herself returning his kiss. There was no reason that she shouldn’t she was his girlfriend after all wasn’t she?

As she questioned that idea in her head she realized that Lauren was his girlfriend and not her. That was right, wasn’t it? She found herself lost in his kiss once again and she wasn’t sure who was his girlfriend but one thing she knew for sure he was a good kisser.

Back at the school, the meeting had broken up and Lauren had made her way to her first class of the morning. She arrived in her classroom with a few minutes to spare before the student arrived. This would give her just enough time to see what else had changed since she had left the condo that morning. She opened her bag and found her license inside. She took it out slowly to see the damage.

Name: Lương Lauren Trần D.O.B February 06 1991 Place of birth: Hanoi

Less than an hour since she had looked at it and her age had changed again. Not only had her age changed but so had her name. It was now Lương which she knew somehow meant Virtuous and not Lauren. She didn’t know what to think but she knew that people called her Lauren as it was easier for them to say as Mary had told her a short time ago. She was getting further and further away from the person she had started the week as and wondered if there would be anything of the old Lương left by the time she met up with Professor Black in a few hours.

The bell rang and took her out of her thoughts as her students arrived for the class. She turned towards the classroom door in time to see Jake walk into the room with a big smile on his face. From experience, she knew what that meant. He had been kissing his girlfriend before coming to school. Lương felt a slight twinge of sorrow at this thought at the start of the week that would have been her. She was now his teacher no longer his girlfriend, she stopped in mid-thought when she realized that it was now Lonna who was his girlfriend yet another thing that she had lost. She had really loved Jake but now he was just one of her students.

In a classroom not too far away sat Lonna with a smile on her face almost as big as the one that was on Jake's face. She knew that she shouldn’t feel this happy about kissing him, he had been Lauren’s boyfriend at the start of the week but now he was hers and not hers.

“Lonna, what’s with the grin on your face?” Adele asked her as they sat down to start their lesson.

“Oh, nothing,” Lonna said trying as hard as she could to remove the smile that had been on her face.

“Oh, I believe you. Thousands wouldn’t.” Adele said in return with a smile of her own. “Did you enjoy Jake giving you a ride to school this morning?” She went on to say emphasizing the word ride.
“It was okay I suppose. “ Lonna replied trying to put an end to the conversation. She was pleased to see the teacher close the door and start the lesson. Only a few hours to go she thought until Professor Black would arrive and help her and Ms Tran stabilize their situation. That way they would be able to deal with their lives as they were for the moment until they could swap back. Did she want to swap back, If you had asked her at the start of the week she would have told you in no uncertain terms that was all she wanted. Now however she had got her youth back and had gained a boyfriend as well as friends. She wasn’t so sure anymore. She knew that everything that she had gained was at Ms. Tran’s expense and that wasn’t fair but it was hers now. So now if someone asked her the question about swapping back her answer may not be as fast as it would have been on Monday. It may also not be the same answer she would have given then either.

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