Jon lay dumb struck, hia tender fingertips slowly tracing the outline of his new moist opening. However, before he could explore further there was a cry from downstairs.
"Hurry up Jon, you're going to be late!" yelled his mother who was clearly in no mood to argue.
Reluctantly, he began to get dressed. Pulling on his now strangely empty boxers, and watching as they pathetically folded in on themselves without his usual tackle.
Despite changing into his full school uniform he still felt strangely naked. Where his manhood had once given him a sense of weighty assurance, he now felt vulnerable and adrift as his pants swayed loosely around his crotch. At least things would be more comfortable when sitting down he thought...
When he arrived at school, he immediately sought out Karyn. She was sitting idly at their usual spot on the wall, but something about her posture seemed different... As if she knew something was up. He just hoped she could get him out of this mess.
Eager to tell her about the strange results of his wish, he began to blurt out, "Karyn, I.."
But before he could get any further she cut him off.
"Is it true Jonny boy?" she asked with a sly grin.
He was getting tired of this. This crazy new reality he'd taken where everyone understood everything but him.
"Karyn stop playing games. I've just lost my dick and I'm freaking out!" he yelled with a rising sense of helpless frustration.
"Gawd... don't get your panties in a twist. You boys get so sensitive when it's your time of the month" Karyn responded with a roll of her eyes.
"My what!?" He wanted to yell back, but before he could Karyn had already continued.
"So did you bring it Jonny boy?" she asked, as she slowly eyed his newly smooth crotch up and down. "You did promise I could have it. Sarah has been gloating all week about sporting Biff's member".
"Sarah has Biff's cock!?" cried Jon in a state of shock.
"Well duh" replied Karyn, rolling her eyes yet again. "Biff had his period last week, he always gives it to girlfriend while it's his time of the month. I thought that's why we had our little agreement, since neither of us are... well"
Her voice began to trail off on the subject of their relationship. They both hung out all the time but neither had dared suggest to the other that they could possibly be an item. For now they remained stuck in awkward limbo.
More importantly for Jon right now though, he was trapped in a whole new kind of limbo. If what Karym was saying was true, perhaps there was a chance he couls get his dick back after all. It seemed as if his wish had caused boys rather than girls to have hormonal periods, which resulted in their dicks somehow being detached. Stranger still though, all the girls seemed to want one.