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52. Escape from Deadbeat Manor

51. The Support of a Goth

50. A Classy Joint

49. Waking Up in a Nightmare

48. Return to the Pink Office

47. Runaway Mother

46. Roadside Fun

45. Desperately Seeking Jon

44. The Bimbo Grindset

43. Nice Walk in a Corrupt World

42. Spell Casting is Boring

41. A New Hand Touches the Stone

40. The Date Continues

39. Snooping Linda

38. Bowling for Biff

37. A Taste of Popularity

36. At Trevor's Place

35. Jon Gets a Date

34. Brand New Day

33. Strange Pink Dreams

Escape from Deadbeat Manor

on 2024-04-03 06:27:57

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Athena quickly moved towards the tied up couple. Before Karyn and Zoe could move to stop her, she yanked hard on Biff's gag, and it flew from his face.

"Tell them they want to let you go!" Athena yelled.
Without thinking, Biff blurted out "You want to let me go!" As soon as he said this, Zoe and Karyn stopped in theirs tracks. Of course, they wanted to let him go! Now was the perfect time for him to leave.

Athena took off her headphones and kept unraveling Biff's bindings, and once they fell off he moved to help her with Jon. "Are you ok?" Biff asked him, "We're getting out of here now." Biff didn't know quite what was going on, or what this rock was that the asshole in charge was looking for, but he was going to get Jon out of here.

Karyn also took the opportunity to get dressed. It had been a pretty tiring night, and getting Jon out of here was her top priority. She found her one of her heels underneath a pizza box, but struggled to find her other. Damn, they were a good pair too. It won't be the first night Karyn had to walk home in her bare feet, but she really wished it wasn't tonight.

Jon looked at Athena "How did you find us?" He had no clue why Zoe's strange goth friend was here, but who knows what the stone has changed in this world. Maybe she was now an ass-kicking witch superhero?

Athena held onto the pendant around her neck, which was pulsating a faint pink light. "I didn't, I had to find Karyn and I was able to work out where she was. I'm just glad I found you too." Athena then grabbed him by the face, looking at every part of his body in minute detail. His long hair, the enhanced lips and nails, the pink shrug top and white miniskirt covering a curvy body with boobs bigger than most girls. "Man, the stone really did a number on you. You really should have stopped wishing on it at some point," she muttered.

"You can see the changes?!" Jon was surprised but also ecstatic! Finally, someone who might know what was happening!

"Guys, we better get out of here," Karyn spoke up. She hadn't found her other heel but she had found some cigarettes and had promptly lit one. "Those guys won't be too long."

They all nodded and moved for the door. All, except for Zoe. "Umm, like it's all good if you leave, but maybe we should tell Trevor first?"
"Zoe," Jon said, "that guy isn't treating you right! It's all been apart of those stupid wishes of mine! I'm so sorry, but-"

Athena put her hand on Jon's shoulder, "Actually Jon, this is only a little bit part of the wish. Zoe genuinely likes this Trevor guy, and I don't think she can see what he's like."

"She's my sister!" Jon snapped "I'm not about to leave her here!" He walked up to Zoe, and started to pull at her to come with him. The girl started to struggle wildly "No! You can't make me! Stop!" The siblings kept pushing each other back and forward, and Zoe grabbed some of Jon's hair, causing him to yelp. He's fought his sister before, but his hair was never long enough before for her to use such dirty tactics.

Biff moved in to intercept, breaking the siblings up. Jon rubbed his head, "you bitch, Zoe! Where did you get you're grip from, a gorilla?"
"Oh fuck off you mommy's boy!" Zoe snapped back, "I'll tell Zeus you went to a different hairdresser than Zeussy's!"
"gasp, you wouldn't!" Jon knew Zeus wouldn't let him leave if he found out any of them were using non-Zeus corp products!

Karyn began pulling at Jon, "C'mon, Jonnie. We can save her with stone once we get out of here."

Jon looked at Zoe one last time, to try and give the longing look where a character is trying to tell the other "I don't want to leave you, but I must to continue my journey. Please forgive me." But he was met with Zoe holding up the middle finger. What a bitch.

As the four left the mobile home, they ran outside the park and were met with Karyn's car. "Athena!" Karyn gasped "I didn't know you could drive? You managed to get my car?" She looped around towards the driver's side, only to notice a huge score across the paint.

"Well," Athena said "I thought we would need a getaway car. But, yeah I can't drive. The keys are in the ignition." Karyn hopped in, and Athena turned back to Jon. "Jon, I don't know where you have hidden the stone, but you have to stop wishing on it."

Jon was confused. "I haven't had the stone all day."
"What do you mean?!" Athena was shocked, "Who the hell has made all these wishes then? Hell, it's being used right now!"

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