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6. Finding Suzie

5. Stairway to Epic City

4. Entering Ether

3. Race: Succubus

2. Random (Alt)

1. The Future of Gaming

Finding Suzie

on 2009-11-16 03:29:42

1027 hits, 27 views, 1 upvotes.

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I made my way up the staircase for what seemed like hours. I was amazed at how long it went on for. As a matter of fact, there was quite a while there where I was reminded of the staircase that led to the final level in Super Mario 64. If you didn't have enough stars, then you could walk up the staircase for hours without getting any closer to the top. I really hoped that wasn't the case with this stairway.

Luckily, my fears were proven false when I finally did reach the top of the stairs. I found myself looking around a small building that looked vaguely reminiscent of a bus station. There were a few benches, and a cople of windows. I also noticed that, much like the bottom of the stairs, there was an old man sitting here.

"Welcome to the upper level of epic city, ma'am." he said. He seemed a bit more respectful than the old man I had met before my journey up the stairs, so I had a lesser urge to bludgeon him for calling me "ma'am"

I walked over to the window and peered out it. I saw a lot of people walking by. Some seemed to be engaged in cheerful conversations, and were dressed in pretty ordinary clothes. Of course, there was still a large number of sword wielding, armor clad warriors running around. I also noticed that there were a few people sitting by the side of the street, selling stuff. Probably items they picked up on quests. I thought.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the door that would lead into the busy street. I paused for a moment, and seriously considered just heading right back down to where I came from a moment ago. However, I knew that I had to go meet with Suzie so it didn't seem like I was ditching her. I called up my status screen again and checked the time. It was now 5:00 pm. It had taken me about half an hour to get to this point.

Finally, I pulled the door open and stepped out into the street. I noticed a few people looking my way as I did, but I decided to ignore it. I looked around a bit, and was hit with the sudden realization that I had absolutely no idea where to look for Suzie. She didn't give me a specific spit to meet her, and I didn't particularly know my way around the city. I brought up my status screen again and looked over the map that was built into it.

From where I currently was, I wasn't too far from the city square. "As good a spot to check as any..." I mumbled to myself, trying to ignore the foreign sound of my voice. I shrugged and headed off in the direction of the square.

As I walked, I passed a number of interesting sights. I saw warriors who carried gigantic swords on their back. I saw what looked like a half man, half dragon, and I even saw colossal golems walking past me. It was a bit overwhelming. Everything about this game was as amazing as I had hoped.

Finally, I reached the square. There was a large fountain in the middle that was decorated with golden statues. There were a number of people sitting on the edge of the fountain, either chatting with other players or simply enjoying the view. I looked around the area, hoping to catch sight of Suzie. There are so many people... I thought. _And she may not even be here.

I had just about given up when I caught sight of someone on the edge of the fountain. The blue hair that went down to her shoulder blades was what caught my attention. Though once I saw her, I instantly recognized her from her pictures. I had found Suzie. I was about to run over to her when I remembered my current appearance.

I was in quite an interesting position. I could have a bit of fun with this situation, for the first time since getting stuck with this avatar. I thought about my options for a moment and decided to...

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