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21. Jon speaks with Ethel

20. Ethel humiliated, Jon resolved

19. A little bit of hope

18. Cafeteria reunion

17. One mean girl!

16. The next morning

15. Ethel's resolution

14. Ethel goes home

13. Jon is frantic, Ethel is resig

12. Jon is changed next

11. Karen/Ethel's punishment

10. Sarah's cruelty continues

9. the plotters are discovered

8. The plotters meet.

7. The first day is the hardest.

6. Karyn's a growing girl!

5. The New Jon

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

Jon's plan

on 4/22/2005 5:08:49 PM UTC

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About two weeks later Jon stopped by Ethel's house; It had been the roughest week of school ever for either of them but Jon thought he might finally have a plan.
"Ethel? You home? It's me, Jon." "Sure, Jon, come on in-the door's open." Jon walked through the door and saw Ethel lying on the floor and watching TV, her head propped up against her Mom's couch; her tree trunk legs splayed out, she had a big bag of potato chips resting on her enormous round belly and was muching happily. Even after two weeks, Jon still wasn't used to her new size-or his own, for that matter. Before Sarah's wishes, Jon had been six inches taller, and Ethel was named Karen and was lighter by about 350 lbs. "uh, I thought you were trying to watch your weight, Ethel?" She shrugged-"What's the point Jon? Right now Sarah's making me eat giant hershey bars and double helpings at lunch every school day. Even if wasn't afraid to say no to her, she could just wish me into doing it. We've just got to survive high school and then get on with our lives."

"Maybe not, Ethel. I think I know how to get the wishing stone back. Sarah can't have it with her all the time at school. You're in the same gym class as she is,right?

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