Jon was still stunned by what had occurred-and since the stone couldn't reverse it's own wishes, everything was probably permanent! He turned to Ethel-if the 500 lb body Sarah had given her had looked massive to Jon before,she looked even huger now that he was six inches shorter-Jon actually had to look up to her, as she was now an inche and a half taller than he was. "Karen...we...we've got to get the wishing stone back...we...maybe..."
"Maybe nothing Jon! I told you I wasn't going to mess with her, and then you pulled me back into it! Now look at you! We have to learn to live like this that's all-Sarah's too powerful! She could make us into Special Ed students or cripple us! I'm Ethel now, and that's it! Leave me alone!' Ethel was gesturing wildly, and her anger made the sweating problem Sarah had just given here worse, her t-shirt now plastered to her tubby body, and sweat stains spreading further under her armpits. When she lifted her arms Jon was hit with her new body odor, and to his shame he brought up his hand to cover his nose. "That's it! It was your damn stone that ruined my life, Jon! Leave me alone from now on!" Ethel stormed off, ignoring the reactions of the other students in the hallway, and headed for the girl's bathroom, where she could at least clean up a bit, and wash off some of her smell. Jon was left devastated, alone in the hallway.
Living with the changes
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