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7. The first day is the hardest.

6. Karyn's a growing girl!

5. The New Jon

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

The first day is the hardest.(and if anyone could give me some suggestions on this HTML, or whatever)

on 2001-03-14 05:46:50

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"...I think I'll let you go home. You've had a taste of my power ; perhaps you'll be smart and stay out of my way. Do you think you can do that, Jon?"
Worried and frightend, Jon could only nod in agreement. What else could he do? Sarah held all the cards.
The next day he went to school dreeding what he would see. Sarah had the power of life and death over all of her old enemies and rivals. It was a sure bet that she wasn't in a forgiving mood.
Not to mention Karyn. The thought of what happend to her made his skin crawl. She had been punished for being his best friend, and might not forgive him.
As he entered the doors he could already detect the changes. A banner reading "Congradulations Sarah Orr on being voted most popular" hung over the hallway.
"But I thought that Wendy Sherman had won that vote?" he mutterd aloud.
A passer-by overheard him and asked "Wendy Sherman? She quit school last week. I think she works as a cleaning woman or something. Why would anyone vote for a loser like her?
Jon shrugged and said weakly "I...I was just joking." as he started on his way to homeroom. Wendy was a bit of a bitch, but she was a stright A student. No way would she have dropped-out to take a job cleaning toilets!
It was already starting. Sarah was going to screw everyone over - and it was all his fault!
He was so deep into his funk that he didn't even notice when Karyn came waddling in, bleathing heavily and sweating from the exertion of having to carry her five-hundred pound frame.
"Ah, Ethel. So nice of you to join us. Get stuck in a door, did you?"
Karyn blushed. She slid into her chair and said "Sorry miss. Chadwick." as she turned toward Jon and asked, tears in her eyes. "Why did you do this, Jon?"
"I didn't, Karyn. It was that bitch Sarah Orr! She's got the damned stone now! Surely you saw the banner in the hall?"
"Actualy, I was to depressed by my condition to notice anything but the way my body jiggles when I try to move to fast!" She hissed in anger.
After a moments conversation Jon had brought Karyn up to speed.
"What do we do?"
"Do what you want to, Jon, but leave me out of it." Karyn said as she began to inspect her purse.
"But...but look what she's done to you, Karyn! Do you want her to win?"
"I dont care if she wins or not, Jon! I'm five-hundred pounds now...but it could get a lot worse if I get out of line. I intend to smile when I see Sarah, then walk away! She's to powerful to mess with. And by the way, call me Ethyl from now on. I'll get used to it faster if you stop reminding me about the past."
Well that was it. He was on his own. How could he stop Sarah by himself?
Just then two more girls arrived late for class. One was Vera Clarke and the other was Suzy Blair. They had both been rivals for the popularity crown...
It was obvious that Sarah had already gotten to them.
"Well, class. It seems like this is the day to come in late! Whats your excuse, girls?"
Vera, who was covered with pimples and wore thick-lensed glasses, said "Sorry miss. Chadwick. I missed the bus."
"I misshed the bussh too mish Shadwick." Suzy said with a wattery lisp. She had a set of buck-teeth and an over-bite that gave her a geeky appearance even without the frizzy orange hair. Both girls took their seats and looked depressed. It was obvious that, like Karyn, they knew that they had been changed.
This had to stop! Maybe if he got all of them together they could form some sort of plan?

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