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6. Simon is clumsy

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Simon spills the bubbly soda on the girls

on 2018-05-28 22:11:32

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“Hi Simon!” Jade exclaimed when she opened the door, pitching both her voice and her tits a little higher than normal. “I’m so glad you’re here! Come in, come in! I was just saying ‘I wish Simon was here!’ wasn’t I, Riley?”

“Um, yeah… I guess you were just saying that…” the Texan agreed.

“Really?” the nerd said, eyes bulging at both the welcome and Jade’s chest as she ushered him in. “Why?”

“Cuz we just got these sodas, and I thought you’d really like them!” Jade said, then giggled.

She despised dumb girls but she had learned long ago that playing the bimbo was an effective way to get what she wanted. She handed Simon a can of Bubbly Soda.

“It’’s really pink,” Simon said, fumbling with it, trembling in the women’s presence. “The label, I mean. Is it for girls?”

“How could a soda be just for girls, silly Simon!” Jade exclaimed, putting her fists on her hips in a way she knew would cause a distracting jiggle. “Are you going to drink it or not? I’m just trying to be hospitable.”

Simon flushed and shook and stammered, apologizing profusely if incoherently at having offended the busty asian woman. Riley rolled her eyes at how much Jade was vamping it up and how effective it was on the nerd.

“I really am very grateful,” Simon assured Jade as he struggled to open the can of soda.

He did manage to open it after several fumbling tries, but with all the shaking, the soda explode, dousing Jade with stick pink fizz.

“Damn it, Simon!” Jade exclaimed, knocking the can away, only to have it hit Riley square in the chest, pink soda soaking her white cotton shirt.

“Jade!” Riley shouted in anger. “What the hell?”

“It...It was Simon’s fault!” Jade objected, mortified at having struck her housemate but not wanting to take the blame.

“I’m so sorry!” the nerd exclaimed, quite used to being blamed for things.

“It’s not his fault that…” Riley started and then blinked, then sniffed. “What is that?”

Jade was sniffing and blinking as well, a dazed look coming across her face. She looked down at the pink froth soaking into her shirt.

“God that smells good!” she exclaimed, and pulled her blouse to her mouth to suck the soda from the cotton.

“I...I don’t smell anything,” Simon exclaimed, not knowing what else to say as both girls stripped to the waist in order to better suck the soda out of their spattered tops.

“Mmmmm…” Riley said, oblivious to what Simon was saying as she sucked shirt in her utilitarian white bra. He stooped down to pick up the soda can and tentatively sniffed the liquid that was still in the can. It didn’t smell like anything to him!

But Jade had seen him retrieve the can from the pool of soda at Riley’s feet. Ignoring the nerd, she dropped her top, dove for the pool and started lapping it up off the floor in her lacy black bra.

“What...what’s going on here?” Simon asked.

Riley responded this time, having gotten all she could from the shirt and seeing what was in Simon’s hand.

“Is that for me, Sugah?” she asked, her Texan accent coming out stronger than usually. “Please say yes!”

“I’m... I’m not sure if…” Simon stammered, not sure if he should advert his eyes from the bra-clad boobies before him but finding it rather impossible regardless. Deciding whether or not to give Riley the rest of the can was going to have to wait its turn in the moral conundrum line. It soon became moot, though, as she grabbed the blink can and chugged what was left in it.

As she swallowed, Simon abandoned any pretext of believing he was strong enough to look away from her tits. For that reason, he quickly saw that soda was impacting more than Riley’s behavior. The modest mounds in her white cotton bra began to pulse and tremble and then swell. She gained a cup size. And then another. Simon’s jaw dropped.

“Hey! I want a can too!” Jade said, having cleaned the floor with her tongue and then risen to her knees to see Riley dropping the empty pink can with a dopey grin and a sigh. Simon gawked to see Jade’s already impressive boobs were now straining against the inadequate black lace of her bra.

“We gots more cans, Jadie!” Riley reminded her. “We can have lots more cans!”

The two girls giggled and their boobs continued to swell. Simon was worried at what might happen to the girls if they drank more of the mysterious soda.

But the idea of more cans was hard to resist!

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