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8. Nano Case 96: Teen Bets

7. Case 87 Resolution

6. Nano Case 87 - Bridal Party Sh

5. Case 62 Resolution

4. Nano Case 62 - Basic Couple

3. IOC: Nano Complaints

2. The Institute of Change

1. The Drafting Board

IOC: Nano Complaints Case 96: Teen bets

on 2023-10-10 10:32:23

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MTF Multi Part_Swap SciFi

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Henny rubbed her temples. She was only 2 days in to her 7 day stint in her mandated form, and had seen so many complaints from the Nanos program that she was doubting if it was still a good idea to have this program available to the public. She adjusted the sweater that she was wearing over her floral blouse, hating the clothing that she had to wear in this role.

On the computer she clicked on the next complaint in her queue, glad that the people had already checked in.

She reviewed the request. It wasn’t an abnormal one, as far as she could tell.

Physical Change: Female genitalia, Female nipples, Female skin, Female physical sensations

Mental Change: None

Other Change: None

“Hmmm… Seems pretty simple to me.” Henny said. She pressed the big mechanical button on the desk, feeling annoyed at how over the top her whole office felt. The fluorescent light overhead hummed constantly, and she knew that the IOC was intentionally making it flicker occasionally.
The wood veneer desk that she was sitting at also was new, but made to look like it was salvaged from an old army base, as were the old filing cabinets that had nothing, other than more bags of potpourri and hard candies. She was expected to keep papers in stacks around, but they were just for show - everything was digital. The paint on the walls had been made to look old and weathered, and was an institutional dark green color. Henny thought it was like a really shitty Disney World.
Contrasting with the clean white IOC offices, she felt like these poor people were being punished for using the cheap option.

The desk opened and a mother and her teenage son came in. The mother was in a huff.

“It has been weeks! And I just now am able to see you!? This is ridiculous.” She said.

Henny, looking at her computer screen asked: “And you are…”

“Melinda Davis. I checked in at the front. Don’t they tell you anything?” Melinda, the angry mother said.

“I’m sure it’s on here somewhere. I’m just trying to see what’s wrong.” Henny said. “Are you unhappy with your… Female genitalia? Who is this with you?”

“This is my son… Well, still my son. I didn’t get the treatment - he did!” Melinda exclaimed.

“Oh! Congratulations. Your skin looks wonderful!” Henny said. “I don’t see an issue here. I guess…” she read the screen “Caden can you tell me what’s going on?” she asked.

“It was a bet with his online friends.” Melinda said.

“Can Caden tell me what’s going on?” Henny asked.

Melinda huffed, and Caden began.” Well, I was playing with my online friends and we made a bet that whoever lost would have to get a pussy and female nipples and all that. So I lost and we went on the website and ordered these nanos. They showed up, I took them, and now I’ve got a pussy.”

“Right!? Like how could your company let him do this?” Melinda asked.

Henny replied “He’s an adult - he can do what he wants.”

“He’s six fucking teen.” Melinda exclaimed.

Henny began clicking around on her computer. After a moment she said “Shows here his birthday is jan 1, 2005. That’s old enough.”

“He lied. You should have some verification!”

“That’s what the form is for.” Henny said.

“Well, how do we fix this?” Melinda asked.

“Well, as I have to remind everyone that comes in here, nothing is reversible. Your son will always have female genitalia, nipples, skin, and sensations. There’s not much we can do there.”

“But what about when he gets his first period? He hasn’t learned any of this! God, how is he supposed to live his life? I mean will he ever be able to have kids?” Melinda asked.

“I mean, I’ve kind of enjoyed it. I’m kind of digging having these bits, but the skin is getting a bit harder to take care of.”

The A/C turned on and Henny could see his nipples getting harder through his shirt. Crossing his arms he said “Okay, some things are a bit inconvenient but…”

“But you’re still happy being a guy right, like, mostly?” Henny said.

“Yeah! Definitely! Wouldn’t give that up for a second.” he said.

“Okay. Go on over across the hall - I’ll send over a solution to the IOC there. Have a good day.” Henny said, ushering the mother and son out the door and not giving Melinda any more time to complain.

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