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447. Ignition

446. Sonic Launch

445. PBJ Launch

444. Water Launch

443. PBJ Officers

442. Blockade

441. Total War

440. Turning

439. Funding

438. Visitation

437. Scarred

436. Asking 02

435. Rougher

434. Reward

433. A Draw

432. My Help

431. Feeling Out

430. A Battle

429. A Success

428. Heroism

Shepard Piloting

avatar on 2023-10-01 21:48:01

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Niko and I were both in the cockpit to watch the ignition sequence. This was the first time that a hybrid would be piloting something. My hybrids with Sunny and Lucy all were either helping out in the guild or pursuing excellence in professional gymnastics. Alexei was in Clan Re:birth and they did not value him there as much as their full blooded PEA units. Shepard was in the Positive Pulse position. 02 wanted to be in control of the XX-frame. "Is it really a good idea to trust a former Conqueror with our offspring?" he asked once again as they got into their positions. I nodded my head. "I trust 02 with my life. He will fulfill the mission with honor and distinction." I said to him firmly. Niko only sighed. He looked at Shepard and said "Begin the sequence." We could hear the 4 separate clicks as he was secured in his place. He hissed at the sensation. "Attempting XX-frame Synchronization." he said. 02 said "Affirmative." They closed their eyes and the monitor above them lit up. The rings filled up at the same rate. It went around the ring all 5 times until it was the brightest. Shepard looked very ill.

The number displayed for both pilots was 100. 02 moaned as it was a perfect match. Shepard was silent. I looked at him closer. He was completely still and his face was very rigid. Weird. I walked in front of him. His eyes did not track any of my movements at all. "Shepard? Shepard!? Are you okay!?" I asked as I snapped my fingers in front of his face. There was still no answer. Handles came from Shepard's suit. Niko simply applauded the success. "He can't talk to you anymore." 02 said. I snapped my attention to 02. "What the hell do you mean by that!?" I demanded. 02 just shrugged his shoulders. "He's a half breed because he was created with your genetic material. I think it's amazing he can even connect. His mind simply does not have the processing power for synchronizing with the fuselage and also retaining awareness of the environment surrounding him in the cockpit. He knows you're there, but if he tried to answer you, the connection to the XX-frame would fail." That obviously would not be good. I hugged him around his waist and said "I'm proud of you." I pat him on the back.

Looking at 02, I said "Take care of him, 02. Shepard can't defend himself in this state. It's all up to you out there." He scowled. "All you care about is the half breed. What about my safety!?" he said bitterly. I walked over to him and pat him on the head. Ruffling his hair I watched as his eyes widened in anger. "02, what are you even talking about? You're the strongest AEP unit alive. Of course, you're coming home safe. I never had a single doubt in my mind." 02 slapped my hand away. "I know that. I still want praise for my success. You didn't even clap for us when we synchronized." he muttered to himself. I was right there, so I heard him. I gave them both a big standing ovation. Then it was time for Niko and I to leave the cockpit. They had to go. Tammy and Alan still had to launch today. We made our way to the command center. The officers were there already. Everyone else was in the large viewing theatre. The walked down the path to the launching platform. Paul, Brett and I were all pretty hands off. They could handle it. We just had to stand there, looking cool and in control. We did that.

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