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25. Take back your school, Jon!

24. And so she goes...

23. mm willow twist

22. Remember Karyn?

21. day of the dead

20. unpredickable

19. spicy latinas

18. gigantic cleavage

17. suprise for eric

16. big hippies

15. hippies

14. Watersports anyone?

13. joey busts out

12. Chick with Dicks

11. chchchanges

10. mini-jenn

9. Randy becomes a sister

8. A forced change

7. Sarah parties down

6. Karyn's eating for two now

Take back your school, Jon!

on 2005-02-18 04:52:15

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Sarah had wished that Jon would become a woman--but that he'd change back the next morning since it was only a taste. Well, it was the next morning. So Jon had turned back.

He put on his clothes and called up Karyn's house--only to find that Karyn had been taken to the hospital, because she was pregnant. Which was a very bad sign. Jon looked at the clock and realized there was no way he could go meet Karyn there without being late for school. But was school even going on today? Sarah could have caused so much havoc with that stone....

He dialed the school's number and got a secretary.

"Hello, I'm just calling to ask, is the school closed?"

"Oh, no it's not" replied the secretary. "Even though all those students are missing. I'm not supposed to talk about it, but there are rumors about some kind of biological weapon leak...."

"Thanks!" said Jon, and hung up. Biological weapon his foot; Sarah must have been busy.

Throughout the day, Jon had heard rumors about the transformations. And like the other students, Jon was at the student assembly when Sarah took over and turned everyone into girls. And then he got an idea. It would be dangerous, but Sarah was, despite being ruthless, not the smartest girl in the school, and maybe he could trick her. He got up and ran towards her. "Sarah, give me that stone back!" he yelled.

"I told you to stay away from me" she replied.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm already a girl again! What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm warning you, Jon."

Jon kept running up to Sarah, and Sarah said, "If you don't want me to get my panties in a twist, then become my panties!"

Suddenly Jon felt himself transform, and things went pink around him--as if he was seeing through some kind of fabric--and as if he was another layer of fabric under that one. He smelled sweat and heard Sarah's voice from above him somewhere. "Now stay there, Jon! Hahahaha!"

The plan had gone better than Jon had hoped. All he had to do then was wait, and he waited and waited for the whole day. School ended--his parents must be really worried, but that was the least of his problems. While on Sarah's body he heard her classes, heard her leaving school, coming home... he heard Sarah order her mother around and tell her all about how her brother was a girl now. Sarah didn't mention the stone--just the magic power that she had wished for herself sometime during the last day. And finally night came. Sarah undressed--apparently she liked to sleep naked--and threw Jon into a clothes basket. Then she turned out the light.

Jon waited for what he guessed was an hour, and then thought to himself, "I'm going to tell someone about Sarah's power! I'm going to tell someone about Sarah's power!"

Sarah had wished that Jon would become a beautiful girl whenever he even considered telling someone about Sarah's power. That wish was still in effect. Which meant that if Sarah physically transformed him, he could become human whenever he wanted. The plan could fail if Sarah left him behind, but he could still become human and wouldn't be much worse off than before. The biggest danger was if Sarah changed his personality--but from the rumors, most of the time she hadn't--or if she kept him from thinking at all, but luckily he was a thinking pair of panties. The biggest success would be if Sarah took him into her house--which had happened.

The transformation was less painful than before, because Jon wasn't a boy when he transformed, but it still hurt plenty. But knowing that his life depended on keeping silent, Jon gritted his teeth, once he had teeth again, that was. She (for she would be a woman until the third week of the month) could feel her body stretching, her vision focussing into two eyes again instead of being a magical feeling emanating from a piece of lacy fabric.

Jon stood up. The room was dark, the only light coming from a pinkish night light. Everything in the room was shadowed. Jon carefully looked around for the stone in the dim light, but saw nothing. Finally she sighed and grabbed a piggy bank off of a dresser.

The bank, full of coins, was made of ceramic and very heavy. Jon tiptoed up to the helpless Sarah, asleep in her bed, and smashed her brains in. Over and over. Jon never knew she had it in her, but after what Sarah had done and was planning to do, it was no longer such an unthinkable act. Finally the piggy bank shattered.

Jon felt sick at the sight and smell, even in this darkness. Was this the way to end Sarah's reign of terror? She turned on the light, and searched the room for the stone. Soon he found it--right under Sarah's pillow. Probably the safest place in the room, but not safe enough.

"I wish" said Jon, "that Sarah would be alive and well but won't awake until tomorrow morning, that there would be no signs of violence in this room, and that nobody I don't approve of would enter this room or even want to until morning." Jon wasn't sure if he could really bring someone back to life with the stone, but it occurred to him that the stone could make Karyn pregnant, so it could create a life--why not restore one?

The corpse turned into Sarah again, beautiful outside and ugly inside--as always. She was lightly snoring.

Jon had had plenty of time to think when she was a pair of panties, and she had already made plans for reversing Sarah's wishes. "I wish I had a list of Sarah's wishes. I also wish that whenever I reverse one of those wishes it would disappear from the list, but that that means when it reverses the wish by my standards, not by the stone's standards, since no wish can be reversed by the stone's standards."

Jon had expected a large piece of paper with a hundred lines, but it was just a normal piece of notebook paper. Sarah hadn't made as many wishes as Jon had thought, since she had wished herself up some magical powers.

So Jon spent the next half hour going through the list and thinking up reversals.

"I wish that Sarah's power to 'make things happen at will' meant my will, not hers, so that she can't use magic unless I give her permission to. I also wish that all the changes she had made through her magic rather than through wishes were reversed.

"I wish that Jennifer was a version of herself that was only a millionth of an inch shorter than her original height.

"I wish that when Sarah made people have a twisted transformation, a 'twisted transformation' means a transformation that doesn't work too well, so they will all turn back to themselves now." Jon realized that that wish was really dangerous--what if someone was thinking about, oh, God at the time?

Then Jon reversed the mumbled wishes that affected Randy, brought to life the people Randy fell on, and fixed a number of other wishes Sarah had made to people Jon hadn't even heard of. Then, "I wish that everyone except me, Karyn, and Sarah would forget that Sarah's wishes or magic ever happened, and that all damage caused by her wishes or magic was repaired."

Jon looked down at the piece of paper. There were two wishes left to fix... Karyn first. "I wish I was in the room with Karyn and that nobody would mind that I was there." He appeared in front of Karyn. She was lying down on a bed. Two babies were nearby in a crib.

"Hi, Karyn. It's over. I got Sarah." The female Jon held up the stone, smiling a little. "How are you feeling?"

"Jon?" said Karyn. She didn't recognize her female form, of course. "Is that really you? You have the stone."

"Yes, it's really me!" She kneeled down to hug her as much as possible.

"I'm okay, Jon... I told the doctors I didn't want a natural childbirth and it was okay to give me some local anesthetic, so it doesn't hurt much any more."

"I just have to fix this" said Jon. She looked down at her list and the stone. "I wish" she said, "that the four hours after which Karyn becomes pregnant again was four hours measured by the three minute egg timer in my Mom's kitchen and that right now that timer would break and never measure time again." She held the list up to Karyn's face, and they both watched the line disappear from the paper.

"There's one left" said Karyn.

"Yeah" replied Jon. "Mine. Sarah wished I'd be a girl if I ever thought about telling people about her power. And I can only change back by living through my period on the third week of the month."

"You can't reverse it?"

"I can't reverse anything" said Jon. "I have to reinterpret, and I don't think I can reinterpret the word 'only'."

"How about getting rid of those breasts? Those are ridiculous. They must be EEE! Don't they hurt your back?"

"No..." replied Jon. They didn't--it was Jon's image of a perfect woman and Jon had never thought of the perfect woman as having backaches. "And it's not the only problem anyway. We have at least four. Me being a girl. You having two children. Both of us deciding what to do with Sarah. And the fourth problem is, with all the people Sarah changed, someone must have gone outside the wish limits and I missed changing them back. Any ideas?"

"I can't think of anything" said Karyn. "No, wait, how about..."

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