Sarah lifted the rock and looked down at her new body. It was quite obviously male except for the very large breasts. The breasts were the only thing Sarah liked. The rock was warm and pulsed in her hand. It started to change colour to a yellow. "I wish didn't have this dick between my legs," Sarah said hopefully.
There was a strange pulse from the rock. Sarah felt weak and light headed. She looked down at herself. Her crotch was now smooth. There was still a set of hairy testicles there but no penis. No female genitals either.
"Good, at least the stone works! I wish I had my normal body back, except with larger breasts and better looks."
Again the pulse and Sarah was back to normal, except her breasts were huge and her features were much improved. Her breasts were so heavy in fact that it hurt to stand up. "Breasts are too big. I wish I was..."
Just then Jon burst in, breasts flying. Jon grabbed the stone from Sarah mid wish turned and left.
"Shit!" Sarah said. Sarah frowned as she felt the familiar tingle of magic transformation.
For a moment Sarah realised what had happened. Then there was a very statuesque sculpture of warm steamy dung in Jon's room. Then the pile of shit that had ubtil recently been Sarah collapsed under it's own weight.
**** *
Oblivious to Sarah's crap fate, Jon rushed to her mothers side. "I wish..."