Like the majority of high end, complex computer systems, the one in overall control of the K&S show had background subroutines on the lookout for glitches. There were even a few that could be used by this controller to make minor fixes without intervention. So far the Zoe part of the amalgam that had been thrown together by the resident idiot had not reached the level of a major emergency. It had thrown numerous glitches, larger than the autonomous systems could fix, and these were noted and added to the exception report printed at the end of each cycle. But, given this program's low priority in the hierarchy, this particular report was rarely looked at. There had been no contagion of glitches into the programs interacted with so far. But, given her closeness to the CiCi program, that was just a matter of time. Given the importance of both the K &a S programs, there was a secondary algorithm that would elevate the close approach of any glitching program to a "Red" condition requiring immediate human intervention. For now it was going to be a wait and see whether someone got so bored they'd read the report or the ensuing ripples would create enough chaos to attract attention.
Zoe Effect
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