Sarahs stomache quivered and gave a gurgle before expanding.
"Oh, no!" She yelled before dropping the stone in pain.
She fell to the floor writhing in pain, and slowly her legs parted. It was a strange sight to behold as an obviously pregnant woman lay on the floor in labor while what appeared to be a giant penis head squeezed out of her birth canal. But it never stopped. After the head came shaft as big around as two human legs, then the right testicle popped out and with a final popping noise the whole thing was free. Now there were two giant dicks in on the ground.
"Oh, shit." Sarah said as she realised what that meant. 'I wish this dick could no longer violate my pussy.' She grabbed the rock but before she could say anything the first dick plundged into her mouth, driving itself to the pit of her stomache. She beat at the sides of it futilely, but soon hunched up in pain as the second dick took over the first ones place between her legs. While the first had to find somthing other then her pussy to fuck the second wasn't bound by that wish. Sarah Began to flail desperately to be free of the two violators, but only managed to lose the stone as it skittered away to land at the feet of...
Oh Baby!
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