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14. Joan and Karyn aren't friends

13. I wish I knew the extent of th

12. She has the Stone

11. Bookworm Joan

10. Sandy makes a wish...

9. and so...

8. Theatre Arts

7. Schedule Change

6. Quick Action

5. "What's so unusual about....."

4. Nothing Unusual Here.

3. duh

2. what tomorrow brings

1. You Are What You Wish

Joan and Karyn aren't friends

on 2023-07-19 17:43:23

852 hits, 130 views, 2 upvotes.

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With a flash of information, the details of her new life unfolded in her mind

In this reality Joan and Karyn didn't know each other. Being in the same school, they knew of each other of course, but Joan was a bit of a loaner.

The wish had been that she was an unpopular bookworm, and it had fulfilled that in spades. This Joan struggled with pretty severe socal anxiety and much preferred to get engrossed in whatever she was currently reading than to socialize. In this reality she didn't really have any close friends at all.

Her first instinct was to wish Karyn back into her life. Two heads were better than one, after all, and who better than her best friend to help?

Even still as she reached for the stone, something held her back.

What if she inadvertently changed Karyn with the wish? What if she cut off a hanging loophole out of this situation by changing it more?

These questions hung in her mind, but that wasn't all.

Sandy's wish hadn't just put her in this situation. It had made her an unpopular, shy bookworm. The social anxiety that had directed this version of her was very much playing on her now.

Jon was still there, but so was Joan, and Joan's hands were starting to sweat a bit as she considered wishing such a close relationship back into her life

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