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A Shrill Alarm

avatar on 2023-06-22 11:54:52

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The man in the suit said "Well, you leaving our continent would help us all out." He did not look like he was going to be very cooperative. The clan leader just shook her head. "Unfortunately, we cannot do that. We are all here to stay. However, we do not need to be enemies." she said. She then showed a map with the continent divided into 13 areas. The area we were in were lit up in lavender. "This is the territory we operate out of. The others here all can show where they are on the map if they wish." I looked around the room. Toxic, Lightning and Heat Clan went up and lit the map up with their colors and introduced themselves. All of the Researchers and Wind Clan sat still. I expected that. After a bit, we just moved on. It was then that the three factions were explained. "So, the ones that did not stand up are the Researchers I take it." Lisa said looking at us. I pointed at 06-001 and his group. "I see at least one Conqueror clan here. Why don't they show us where they are." The leader of the clan just said "What's it to you!? I'm not letting my clan get in danger due to this stuff." he said.

Hearing that a Conqueror clan caused a bit of upset murmuring. It died down a bit when the Sonic Clan signaled that she wanted to speak. "I called the Wind Clan here because I felt it would be good for everyone that wanted to get a say to have their voice heard. If no one else wants to identify their region that is fine. I think it would be best if we could all call a truce." It seemed that the government officials and the cops were going to be a very tough sell. They did not like us at all. The cops then stood up. Captain Austin said "We don't have the jurisdiction for all of that space. I don't know about anyone else, but as long as you don't rape anyone, I won't say anything." I could personally live with that. "We have better things to do than go on wild goose chases. If the hubs haven't been found yet, it's not like we'll magically find one today." I heard Captain Dallas say. They were just local cops. The general said "I agree. Now that we have explicit confirmation that you have not all come here in peace, we need to double our efforts suppressing the Conquerors. Especially fighting the Wind Clan."

It would be hard. Their hub was not exposed, and while we could just take them out right now, there would still be more of them out there. Alarms began to blare in a very shrill pitch throughout the building. Everyone got up from their seats and looked around. The members of the Sonic Clan did not look too concerned. "It seems that we have an intruder in the club. Our guards will deal with it." The alarms did not shut off even after five minutes. The guests that were armed began drawing their various weapons. Bruce asked "Are you sure that you have this handled? This lounge is on the third floor of the building. Are there any escape routes for the upper floors?" The clan leader said "It is their job to stand and fight. If it seems lost, their duty turns to wiping all the computer data and destroying evidence." Another minute later, the door at the far end of the lounge opened. Three PEP units with machine guns came out. "The intruders have breached the second floor and are breaching the VIP gate as we speak. I apologize for the alarm, but casualties among staff and guests have been observed."

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