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283. Evidence

282. Gunshots

281. 10-007

280. The Bank

279. The Plan

278. Meeting

277. Red Grind

276. Streetwear

275. Sonic Clan

274. Calling

273. Investigation

272. Conditions

271. Alliances

270. Finished

269. Ending

268. Lifting

267. Volleyball

266. Waiting

265. Their Team

264. Our Team

Trapping Toxic Clan

avatar on 2023-06-10 05:17:43

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Even more evidence against them was right in front of us. "Once we clean this up, things will go on as if nothing happened. That is why all non-clan members must leave." he said. I nodded my head. "Of course. I will take my friends and get out of your way." I said. As we got to the door, the banker said "I'm sure you realized that we know this was some trick on your end. As such, your funds are forfeit and you are all banned from the bank." I turned to him. "I understand that. When I come back here on a hostile footing, I'll make sure to take every credit back. Until next time." I said before leaving with the Sonic AEP units. We made our way to the police van. Once we were inside, I took my shirt off. "God! Good job everyone. That had to be like the goose that laid the golden egg." I said. The driver, investigators and the technician were all shocked. "How many civilians dies in there?" Terrance asked. I shrugged. "Maybe a dozen or so. We are the police here. Call in back up and find out before they can dispose all of the evidence. A body, cyborg or human, will damn them all." I said calmly.

They did just that. Once the police arrived on the scene, it was time for Terrance, Marion and Nancy to shine. They pulled rank and led the investigation. The bodies had been disposed of. Blood had been cleaned up. What was still there were the bullet holes and shell casings from all the gunshots. Toxic Clan was caught with their pants down. Now that there was a verifiable police record of this record, they needed to produce the bodies. How else could the police do their job to investigate? Toxic Clan had to cooperate, but they were already all gone. The probably used toxic sludge to dissolve them. They had no explanation for where the bodies went. It was a massive bank robbery after all. Even if they changed the script and lied, we had the dead bodies all on tape. Tampering with crime scenes and obstruction of justice were serious crimes. They took a hole day going through the lobby. All they found were several bullets. That was enough to move on to the next stage for their investigation. The bullets were sent off for analysis. We had more than enough to pull them in for interviews.

I knew that they were fucked. All we had to do was sit back and watch Toxic Clan squirm in the net we put them in. They retained their super lawyers, but all the money and arguments in the world could not overcome the video evidence we had. 10-007 was "not found". Likely, he just changed his appearance using nanites. The banker was called in. I was there in the station and "accidentally" walked past him with a cup of salt water. It was so unfortunate when I tripped and splashed him. It was nasty to see his skin boil and peel back from the chemical reaction. The mucus spreading across his body was gross too. That was the last straw. The judge gave them the go ahead for a raid on the bank. I told Terrance, Marion and Nancy to come with me and the Sonic AEP units. "I guess that we can show you what a transmission hub looks like. A good turn deserves another." The AEPs were in. "Don't worry. We'll protect you. There is one for each of us." Timmy said. I decided to go with Temmy. Timmy then picked Marion. Tommy went up to Nancy. "It's not like I like you or anything." he said.

Nancy blinked and said "That's fine." That left Terrance with Tammy. He gave the cyborg a smile. "We'll make a good team." Tammy gave him a sad smile back. "I won't let you die like those people at the bank." he said. That was a possibility. On the day of the raid, we came in the middle of the night. We had several squads of policemen with us. They got through the doors and filed inside. Gunshots rang out immediately from inside. I took out my rifle and got a very excited Temmy. "See you guys down at the big transmission hub!" I called out. We then ran in. My guns were blazing a trail trough the opposition. The police grunts were of no concern to me. I knew I had to find a way past the teller section and go underground. Some of their members burst through the gated door in order to engage us. We were pinned down until we could get past their hail of bullets. Temmy was using the rifle in his right arm, the plasma cannon in his stomach and a handgun in his left hand. The others soon joined us in the lobby. With them, we were able to get past the PEP units. Half of our goons died here.

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