Elsewhere on various highways and all locations nearby, blackouts began to occur. Electricity would stop dead for cars, stations, and homes alike. Many people would go outside to check the outcry, only to find themselves slowly possessed, drawn to a particular location. Even from miles away people would get out of their non-working cars and start to walk towards the Ashleyfield at a mall fields away. Their cars became minivans or Mazdas. Their shoes, gradually as they walked would become knee-high boots, and within the scope of their journey they too would be Ashleyified.
A 30 something man at a Gas station got out and felt compelled to walk a few blocks towards the mall. After the first block he was wearing boots and pantyhouse. By the second he had a hot red miniskirt and waist had shrunk. By the third he'd gained a sleeveless top, a fur coat and breasts, functionally female below his neck.
And as he stepped across the line of the fourth, right into the parking lot of the road he was now a complete she, another converted Ashley who only thought of herself as such. As soon as this Ashley arrived at her destination, she looked around to see dozens of others had as well, becoming Ashley's in the process. The group congratulated each other with gropes and seductive makeouts. They looked over the horizon to see that they'd only been the first, for the extent of this attraction had reached far and wide.
Hundreds, if not thousands of individuals marched like zombies towards the Mall, all slowly becoming Ashleyified bit by bit along their way, and they'd be completely Ashley upon reaching their destination. Not a single one could break away from their spell as they walked in droves towards the future Ashley masses.
The beginning of the end was at hand.
The Ashley Singularity had reached Ashleygularity Phase 2.
Elsewhere, an entire school of Ashley's had achieved similar results, recruiting hundreds and hundreds of new Ashleys with each drawn in victim. Once the entire town was reached, they'd be thousands in numbers.