The Ashleygularity was well on schedule, the entire mall's infrastructure had begun to convert everything within sight into not only Ashley but objects, buildings and products Ashley would like. In spite of all this their had been one slow-gained dissenter, Whitney Whitney and her sister Britney themselves. At first they were overjoyed to have Ashley convert so many others, but she'd been far more successful than they'd anticipated. Being naturally vain creatures themselves, it was only natural they'd be filled with jealousy and ire at the sheer transformational output Ashley had begun to create.
"This like, totes isn't fair! This was going to be my mall, MY world! What does she think she's doing?" Whitney complained.
She pointed her hands at a store to make it into a 'Whitney Express', but within the singularity this meant nothing, seconds later it changed back into a 'Totally Ashley Boutique.' All the stores that were once Whitneys, were now Ashley's. She was losing her authority here! She gathered up her clones and decided to march right up to the original Ashley inside her salon and have a stern word with her.
The field had other plans, as they barely made it meters from the salon until the Whitney clones began to feel weird.
"No, my head feels- not Whitney! I'm Whitey I'm Whitney I'm Whitshly- no! Ashlitney! Have to resistashly! Cannot give Ashley to the Whit-Ashley! No, girls, quickly chant! C-c-cchant ashley! Ashley ashley ashley!"
The rest of the clones began to chant one by one her name, slowly being possessed by the almighty power that was Ashley.
Britney held onto Whitney Whitney terrified. All their doubles were changing into Ashleys right before their eyes, and there was nothing they could do about it!
"ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHLLLEY!" Whitney whitney screamed.