The girl was walked by the strange duckfaced girl to the perfume and makeup department, where Whitney started to put some blush on her face. Soon she'd made up her much like herself, dark blue eyeshadow, baby pink lipstick and hefty blush.
"What do you think, totes hot right?" Whitney said, making hissy faces at her.
"It's alright. But doesn't it look kind of like, you?" The girl noticed.
"Oh nevermind that, just clear your head and let the beauty enhance you. You'll feel so much better for it.
"Well okay, if you say so." She sat quietly as Whitney continued.
Whitney took great pleasure in making up the girl into her own image. No magic hexes or words, just the slow crafting of her psyche. She was going to take her time nice and slow and have fun with this sucker.