John sat in the chair, strapping back on the helmet and putting a version of himself inside. A series of floating wigs seemed to fly around obliviously.
"Seriously? What the hell kind of joke is this?" Some of the wigs had mustaches and tophats, others had pretty bowties and hairpins. Most of those ones were bobcuts and bunned hair wigs.
"Don't underestimate them, unless you'd rather be speaking like a pretend Brit and drinking tea with your pinky out the rest of your life." Carol warned him.
Properness Wigs
Classification - 3/C
Description - [These Wigs each have a distinctive personality of their own. Most of them are one's which could crudely be called "Sophisticated" or "Proper", as the personalities are obsessed with etiquette for their respective archetype, regardless of what it might be. A Churchmother wig will convert a human into a proper god-fearing mother, a sports wig will make one a hardcore jock overly concerned with rules of sports and statistics, a shopping wig will amass knowledge of prices, sales and products near instantly, concerned with the proper shopping agenda nonetheless. Each new phenotype of of Wig consumes the mind, body and personality of the wearer remolding their existence into one more fit to wear it. A desire to spread more wigs is an automatic fixation regardless of the Wig's individuality. Some Wigs may clash and despise other phenotypes when opposed enough, for example Chuchmother/Scientist, Partygoer/Professional, Rockgoth/Teacher+Schoolgirl, and will wage conflict between host when gathered in large numbers]
Management - [The wigs can be burned before they infect a victim, and if still in the early stages can be forcibly removed. However after a certain time they will merge with the host and become genuine hair, sending their minds into the victim's brain. At that stage the transformation is irreversible.]