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73. Magic Alien vs Sock Predator

72. The standoff

71. The showdown looms

70. Fighting the hordes

69. The dank metamorphosis is comp

68. The collapse

67. The new Crusader's Gear

66. The Teen Nicole Zombies Spread

65. The magical solution - "A-l-i-

64. Sock predator shows off a new

63. The same thing we do everyday,

62. Hot Topic is not hip enough fo

61. Cannibalism

60. Fleeing the predator

59. The Sockgirl predator

58. A Nicole caught and used up an

57. A group of hot Nicole's wander

56. Fortifying the Resteraunt

55. little no more

54. If you can't beat em, become t

Magic Alien vs Sock Predator

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

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The Alien was silent. It took out it's scoper gun and aimed right away, firing in place.

The Predator leaped out of the way and charged it's dick from the side. Hardening it's member it shot a wad of hot dicksauce towards the knight, leading her to not be vaporized but rather crashed through a wall. The pressured force of it's dick by now was merely that powerful.

He approached it slowly, ready to send a shot into at it's head and finish it off. Before it could fire however the alien rolled underneath it, and with a fast spin chopped off both it's giant dick and an arm along the side. It kicked it back and impaled it with a spiked triangle needle in it's arm.

The Predator slowly got up crackling. It pulled the pin out like it was nothing and stopped the bleeding from the wound down below.
"Ahahah! If this is the best champion you've got, I'd hate to see how pathetically you go down."

With a spit of blood, he squeezed and regrew his arm, except instead of a hand the tip of a giant cock had replaced his very appendage. The dreadlocked girl watched in awe as it had replaced it's very body just like that.

"You look so shocked. I can do much better than that baby." With a focused squeeze it bulged it's forearms massively until they seemed to split up, dividing it's appendages and giving it 4 arms, one of them a dick cannon. With a kneeling stance of it's legs, it's behind stretched out two more legs and it's bottom half took on almost equine like proportions, growing a second set of legs like a centaur.

The Knight stanced herself, she'd have her work cut out for her tonight.

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