The black haired Mini Nicole pranced about giddily. She snuck around a corner where a Teen Nicole was hiding from the scouting toys and prepared her pigtails like a helicopter. By having them spring her forward she pounced ontop the Teenage version of herself.
"BOO! FOUND YA! Hehehehe." Twisting her hair around her and hugging her cocooned form as tightly as she could, she converted the mass within solid and slender. When it peeled off a pale faced adult with punky looking green hair, a pitch rubbery black blouse and pencil skirt with frills at the hemline and fur ringlets around her poofy shoulders, very chic. She looked like a punk girl who'd just got out of fashion school and was about to open her own salon.
With perfect posture and poise the the new woman smiled faintly, if emotionlessly. "What can I do for you today Miss Nicole?" She asked.
Mini Nicole beamed. "Make me lots of pretty new clothes!"
Her new Seamstress nodded off. "As you wish."