The changes continued to torment him. As he watched them continue, the last thing John thought about before screaming was his mother. Would he look like a clone of her, or simply share her genes and look as he would born female? The horror mystified him.
John watched in horror as his body took on a frail shape and womanly physique. His nails were a glossy dull red and his hips could bare their weight now. He tried to scream again only to find his voice reduced to squeaky yelps. Pulling at his hair, it'd become shapely and well defined, like a blocky 50's updo with only the bangs to break from the solid mass of style. His socks became girly kneesocks and flats gained shiny red heels. [So stylish! Mother would be proud of how pretty I look.] Cursing his thoughts, the changes only intensified based on what he thought about. His appearance continued to look more and more matronly as his face softened and rounded out, giving him a feminine silhouette that even Susan Olsen would be impressed by.