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17. Left (dead end)

16. Sharon Heads Deeper Into The S

15. The Group Scatters at the Mega

14. Quick Conversion Complete (Res

13. Quick Conversion

12. Pink Ticket: Femme Intricacy

11. Pink Ticket: Winners circle an

10. Pink Ticket: Other 'Winners'

9. Pink Ticket: Greeting Helper

8. Pink Ticket: First Contact

7. Pink Ticket: Wondering about

6. Pink Ticket: Waiting out 'Insi

5. Pink Ticket: Wendy Wittson

4. A Pink Ticket...

3. And Now For Something Complete

2. Unstable Universe

1. The Drafting Board

Left (dead end)

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

685 hits, 16 views, 0 upvotes.

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Sharon turned left and sped along the corridor of isles, toys leered from their spots on the shelves as she passed as if to say "Soon you will be one of us". Gasping for air Sharon ran the fifty feet toward the place where the isle turned only to find . . . a dead end. No, no this couldn't be right, it looked like it was another isle to head back to the entrance area, and she couldn't have gotten so turned around, could she?

"Hi! I'm a Megan Dolly! Do you want to play?" an overly excited voice asked behind her, turning around Sharon found herself not five feet away from the smiling pink doll, arms still outstretched as she walked closer now. Backing up Sharon felt her back push into the hard metal of the shelf, , she was cornered like a rat. The doll advanced, its permanent smile never wavering as it stiffly marched forward on stiffly bending knees. Sharon tried to duck under the arms and slip around, but felt the surprisingly strong arms lock around her waist, pulling her in closer to the doll, she felt her face pressed against the stiff plastic of the doll's breasts as it held her close, the pink smoke already leaking from it's smiling mouth. She tried to struggle and tear away but the doll held her tight, it's arms sliding over her back to pull her till they were looking right at each other. Sharron felt the mist hitting her face and the world seemed to shift, she couldn't help but breathe in the mist, being so out of breath, she felt it sliding over her face, over her neck and shoulders, her denim jacket turning pink, the sleeves separating into opera gloves, and her chest suddenly felt constricted by the pink corset that matched the doll that was caressing her identically. Wait; caressing her? No, that's not right, the doll is stopping her from getting away, but then why does it feel so good? Why does everything feel so good?

Sharon felt her hair covered by the mist take on the same color as the doll's, her bangs suddenly becoming a perfect horizontal cut, framed on either side with perfectly cut straight sides, the hair in the back turning into stunning ringlets which bounced as the two of them swayed in unison now. The doll's hands slid down to rest on Sharron's changing waist line, as her pants turned into a perfectly shaped bell dress. Socks and shoes turning into stripped leggings and boots respectively. A small part of Sharon's mind struggled against the doll "No, this isn't me. This isn't what I want to be. I'm not a dolly." She pushed on the doll but the doll held her tight, cooing and caressing her as the continued to rock, if something didn't happen soon she would be lost just like that Wendy had been...

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