As the generations reached a tipping point one of the new drones shuddered and the ideal inside it grew wild. It needed to orient new employees. It needed to make business women. All identical to precise measurements.
This new converters power was weak though. It turned a corner and saw a couple standing there making out.
"Must become professional." She droned and then as they looked she threw up a hand and the woman head became wrapped in a giant bun from the neck up.
"Oh shit what the fu-" the man got out before FLUMP and his own head was in a giant bun. "Must wear pencil skirts."
"Must buy tights." The girl responded. And with that the two former students with their now bunned heads slinked off like zombies to find a store.
The ran into a nerdy girl who wasn't paying attention and the man grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Dude what the heck happened to your he-" she got before he pressed his bun head against her own and with a SCHLURP her head became equally replaced by a giant soft brown doughnut bun. Her glasses still sat at the front of the bun, legs embedded in the hair.
"Must get heels. Need to look professional." She droned joining them in walking to the nearby clothing store.