"Now don't misunderstand, these abilities are potent as you'll learn. And force or violence is by no means unacceptable, but that's not the optimal use of them, nor will it be the key to succeeding in this game. Fighting or confronting each other directly, although necessary ultimately to achieve the game's end goal, is highly a disservice to your soon to be capabilities. Rather this requires a certain mindset to acquire victory. This game is a meeting of the minds."
Mel smiled at that comment. It'd jive with his style perfectly, just as he preferred.
"Or rather, I should say a meeting of wills. You'll be manipulating the very basic hearts and minds on the feeble souls caught up in it's tracks. To understand how people work, how they function as individuals and yet collectively among others, is what we seek to learn. And therefore, you will seek this out for us. By captivating people to your will and bending it towards your goal, you will come to know victory."
The feeble boy broke the tip of his pencil jotting something down, giving a brief sigh. Even with his organized agenda and keen mindset, this could be troublesome.