A young girl, once gone by the name of Sally Brookes, a moderately successful and bright student had stepped up, knowing that virtue and leadership was needed here. She'd gone from a meek but bright young schoolgirl, to a brainwashed drone of one robbed of her freedom, to a conscripted young professionalized women, and now had finally arrived as a reformed Miss Olive.
It was truly weird, not only going through all these changed but being another person entirely. She could feel Olive's thoughts and memories flowing through her mind, her personality and behavior naturally overwriting her own. Of course she could still 'act' as herself if she chosen, holding the 'Sally', the true her within the recesses of her mind, but it felt as unnatural now as pretending to be someone else. This is who she was now, and she needed to work fast if she was going to save her- she meant Ms.Olive's son, and the rest of her classmates.
She felt the Schoolgirl obsession still channeling through her. The austere professionalism of her secretary self still ordering her to stay strict, calm and orderly. The motherly concern and passion of Ms. Olive urging her to act quickly, and of course the part of that remained as Sally, trying to sort herself and her priorities out as she presented herself to young secretaries.
With 'herself' still in her, she couldn't concentrate. And the possibility of being captured or overwritten still rang in her mind, so she had a quick solution. Talking it over with the pantheon of idealistic clothes, they agreed and she got to work, in a very zen Buddhist manner, she applied her strategy into action, working quickly and effectively.
"I'm going to be your Leader now, but I have to be replaceable, and I have to lose myself even if I don't want to lose myself. So rather than have 'me' stolen again, I'm going to be giving it away." Transferring what was left of her original self, Sally Brooks, soon a truly selfless leader was born with a single objective, while her army carried within her the remains and parts of the young girl that would keep their spirits and valor going. "Now than, shall we begin our instigation?" The De-Sallified leader asked, getting a crowd of hearty nods in approval.