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9. Inverter: Cody

8. Inverter: Kimberly's Compulsio

7. Inverter: Alexis' Phone Become

6. Everything Seems Normal So Far

5. Meet the Family

4. Nothing Happened

3. The Inverter

2. Unstable Universe

1. The Drafting Board

Inverter: Cody

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

1205 hits, 70 views, 0 upvotes.

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Cody finished up his burger first and was still hungry. "Aren't you going to finish that?" He asked his father, who was toying with his pizza.

"I'm not sure yet," Scott said.

"Well, can I have it?""

"No," Scott said. "It's mine."

Megan looked over. "Daddy, don't you always say its nice to share?"

"Yes, but not if I might finish it, and he already had his dinner."

"Fine, just tell me when you decide," Cody said, sipping his soda. He gazed over at his sister Alexis. "How's school?" He asked her, suddenly.

"Fine," she said. Alexis couldn't remember the last time she actually talked to her brother. There was a barrier before, didn't seem to be there now. "You?"

"Well..." he started, then stopped as...

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