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8. An amazing friday

7. Is it his lucky day or... ?

6. Billy's new girlfriend, Lily

5. Magic Purple Gem: Subconscious

4. A Magic Purple Gem

3. And Now For Something Complete

2. Unstable Universe

1. The Drafting Board

An amazing friday

on 2016-11-22 05:15:30

840 hits, 37 views, 0 upvotes.

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Friday comes quickly and Billy forgot the gem in his coat pocket. When he goes to the cinema, he put by habit his hands in his pocket (he do that every-time he is stressed) and feel something in it.
He takes the object and look at it, that's when he remember the gem. He hear Lilly call him as he look at it and he put it back in the pocket.
He is really stressed now, what can he says to her, what could he do ?

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