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25. Something Warmer

24. So simple

23. They decide on a plan.

22. And then they heard knocking.

21. Jon gets breasts just like her

20. Jon tries to see the light sid

19. Ask the stone

18. A bit more trouble...

17. The real Karyn.

16. Witchy Karyn likes it here.

15. Karyn casts her spell.

14. In his dreams.

13. Another story experiment

12. Jon wishes that both he and Ka

11. Karyn's

10. False Pregnancy

9. Married fifteen minutes ago.

8. Eject

7. Down the aisle

6. Prince Charming

Something Warmer

on 2023-05-16 12:00:54

617 hits, 93 views, 0 upvotes.

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Karyn concentrated and Joan felt a strange feeling in her breasts, like they were filling up again. Only this time, it didn't feel the way it was with the root beer. It felt ... warmer.

"What's filling up in my breasts, Karyn?" she asked.

Karyn smiled and said ...

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