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256. Male

255. Female

254. Honey Pot

253. New Clan

252. Moving

251. Talking

250. Restaurant

249. Challenge

248. Assault

247. Hit Job

246. Water Park

245. Targeted

244. Ours Again

243. Votlition

242. Booty

241. New 04

240. Research

239. Chase

238. Stand-off

237. Problem

Male Unit Second

avatar on 2023-05-10 18:24:10

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He rolled his eyes and said "I guess you really were backed up. You must not be able to have sex on a regular basis." He slowly pulled down his own tight black shorts. It could see his tan ass was big and toned. He spread his cheeks apart and beckoned me with his chin. I waddled over with my pants down and took hold of his hips. I then gently guided myself inside of him. I did not want him to mock me too, so I gave the male PEA unit a reach around. He jolted a bit with a gasp. I felt his ass tighten up slightly too. The cyborgs found masturbating foreign. None of them did it. "Wha-what are you doing!?' he asked in surprise. The smug confidence was now gone from his face. While I was thrusting back and forth inside of him, I was jerking him off. I could feel him getting harder and harder in my grasp. I kept going at it. I was not in a need to cum too early. I already blew my first load. After another six minutes, I was getting close again. I told him that. I was very surprised when he grunted and gave a long count down. "Memory nanite ejection in 20... 19... 18..." he groaned out. I thrusted faster.

When he got down to the count of 1, he bucked hard against me and came. He moaned really lewdly. The male PEA unit also collapsed forward. I was inside him, so my body fell with his. Being a cyborg, he was able to catch himself with his arms. It did not mean he was not breathing heavily. The tightening of his ass made me shoot over the edge. I also let a little moan pass from my lips as my cum flew out of me in white, thick ropes. "Memory nanite ejection... confirmed." the male PEA said with deep disappointment. His black memory nanites had splashed out on the ground. After two intense orgasms, I was totally spent. There was no way I could see myself getting up on my own. I did not get a popup about him getting pregnant. When the PEA units eject their nanites, their bodies are totally empty. It was how the upgrades were made. The only way to refill it would be to complete another mission. Since he came first, there was nothing for him to get pregnant with. "Thanks. It was good." I said to him in his ear. He just sighed and said "Don't mention it. Hold my waist. I am getting up."

I followed his directions and held on. He pushed off of the ground with his arms and stood up straight. I yelped at the sudden motion. "You can pull out now." he said in an annoyed tone. I did so. There really was no need to antagonize him after all that we had just been through. We looked around and saw that the female was further up the alley. "What are you doing over there!? Didn't you see me require help!? You let a human outlast me in a sexual encounter!" he snapped. She did not seem to be too concerned with that. Instead, the female PEA unit was squatting down and straining pretty hard. "I can't get it out." she groaned. He walked up to her and was still fuming about it. "Can't get what out! We're on a mission right now. Worry about your hygiene later." he chided. She looked at him desperately. "I'm not concerned with hygiene. I have a genuine concern. His sperm had reached my memory nanites and have caused a reaction. My body analyzed it as a fertilization. I am pregnant." He gave her a dirty look. "Use your abortion failsafe then." he said. "I've been trying!" she yelled at him.

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