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243. Votlition

242. Booty

241. New 04

240. Research

239. Chase

238. Stand-off

237. Problem

236. Flying

235. Planning

234. Erosion Clan

233. Resentment

232. Return

231. Water Clan

230. Revenge

229. Hacking

228. Prowess

227. Attack

226. Punches

225. Fucking

224. Pitstop

Discipline and Respect

avatar on 2023-05-07 02:03:47

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With this being a major struggle, they got to use their newly formed weapons. I was their practice target now. The punches that 03 and 04 threw were heavy and they all shot sonic blasts that threatened to blow my eardrums. It actually hurt. The plasma cannons in their stomach also did a lot of nasty damage. 01 was also using his radioactive organ to deal tons of AOE damage to me as well. Something they could not overcome was my magic. I could heal and target them from a distance. They had their own range weapons too though. I knocked them all down and I saw that they were giving up. None of them could go any further without risking a major injury. Since this was a big fight, I decided they needed to pay a price. "You used the weapons I gave you against me. I am taking some of them back as a punishment." I said. They looked shocked. "You can't do that!" 04 shouted. I did not care. I looked at 01 "Plasma cannon or one of the shotguns. Your choice." I told him. He blinked and reached behind himself. He grabbed his right ass cheek and grunted in pain. 01 pulled the shotgun.

03 was next. He tried to get out of it. "Hey, Brianne. We're friends. Let's talk about this." he said nervously. I smiled and said "Sure. What do you want to talk about? I am still going to ask you what you want to give up." He just grinned and said "I'll let you fuck me." 04 looked scandalized. "Hmm. I don't know. I can have sex with lots of people." I teased. "You can. But sex with friends is said to feel much better." he said seriously. 03 really did not want to give up his weapons. I stood still as he got up and walked over to me. He nuzzled against me. "I promise I feel really good inside. I can take care of you." he pitched. "How about this? You pledge never to attack 02 and I'll let this slide. No sex needed." I proposed. He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Brianne! Don't make me have to choose. I don't want to betray my clan!" he begged. I sighed. This was unfortunate. "Plasma cannon or one of the shotguns in your ass. Its your choice." I told him. 03 groaned out loud. He placed a hand on his stomach and grunted. "I don't need this little cannon. My organs are more than enough." he said to me.

Placing the decidedly large plasma cannon in my hands, I nodded at him. He stepped back from me when I put it in my inventory. I walked over to 04. "Plasma cannon or one of the shotguns. Your choice." I said for the third time to him. He turned and tried to run away from me. I pounced and tackled him to the ground. He struggled, but he was trapped in my grip. "I got a cannon and a shotgun from the right ass cheek. I guess that means you are going to give me one from your left." I said. He turned his head over his shoulder to look at me. "Get off of me, human! I'm an AEP unit. You can't treat me like this!" he screamed. He tried deploying the shotguns and tried to blast me with them. I was on his back, so they could not fully come out. I was able to reach into the left hole and grab the shotgun. I tugged on it and 04 yelped out loud. I was not going to stop yanking on it until I got it out of him. "Let go! It's mine!" he cried as he began flailing his arms and legs. The right ass cheek closed up and covered up with the armor plating. The left cheek was trying to do the same, but my hand was there.

I kept yanking on the shotgun until I felt it come free. The AEP unit screamed in pain. Once I had the gun in my arms, I glared down at the terrified 04. "Next time, you all better do what I say. I should fuck you in the ass for being such a baby about this." I said to them all. With this sour note, they were escorted out of the clan building. We cannot allow our members to be killed in out own clan safe spaces. That was 100 percent egregious from the members of Volition Clan. Once they were done leaving our space, I went to 02's room. I went inside and saw that he was fine. "Are they gone?" he asked with a resigned look on his face. I nodded my head. "Here are some good weapons. I got them from 01, 03 and 04." He perked up at me. "Really?" he asked. 02 could still had the corruption in his core systems. We could not risk him fucking up the lab by plugging in. This was actually the next best thing. He was able to integrate the golden weapons with nanites. He did not want to put the shotguns in his ass. I did not try to convince him. He put them in his stomach. The cannon was on his lower back.

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